Drinking vodka may not be the best for health, but in this case, you can use your passion for the strongest of the drinks to help a country mired in a terrible war. There’s a Ferrari on the way!
massive war in ukraine It erupted in the wake of the unfortunate invasion orchestrated by Vladimir Putin and his officers, and shows no sign of abating in intensity even now that we are close to two months of fighting. Reflecting on the horrors inflicted on both sides of this terrible conflict requires pages and pages of analysis: let us rather ask ourselves what we can do concretely to help civilians recover from this violence.
There are those, like fashion designer Anastasia Rosinina, who fled the country to escape the terrible conflict, have already found creatively To draw attention to the cause of Ukraine, by directing money to those organizations that are trying to help Ukrainian civilians, and certainly the most hated victims of what has been happening in the European country for months.
Anastasia has already started cooperation With the Swiss entrepreneur, Tobias Richmuth, with the aim of raising funds that will be used to help rebuild the country that Russia has invaded for years. But Switzerland is not the only country that helped a woman in her initiative, in fact a domestic supercar has also entered the arena …
From red to Giallobl
In fact, as an exceptional testimony to the four-wheeler, she chose Anastasia and Tobias A Ferrari 812 Superfast From more than 800 horses to sponsor their initiative, a line of vodka named after President Volodymyr Zelensky, the face of the Ukrainian resistance against the invasion.
The initiative aims to sell a series of 0.7-liter bottles of vodka with Ukrainian livery: however, this is not a frivolous attempt to push people’s purchases by exploiting politics because Entire proceeds Selling Zelensky vodka until 2026 will benefit organizations working in Ukraine to help civilians and rebuild local cities.
Above all, this initiative It’s a huge setback for Putin As Russia has traditionally been the world’s largest exporter of vodka and is now banned due to Western sanctions. The hashtag #drinkforpeace has already become the slogan of this charitable initiative that shows alcohol doesn’t always hurt: will the Ferrari chosen as a certification be able to bring in the money needed for NGOs? We are so sure.
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