The Russian embassy has sent a formal letter to the United States to address the “urgent matter of the deplorable humanitarian situation in Ukraine.” Representatives of Canada at the United…
Elkon said uranium investments will make a significant contribution to Exor’s performance in 2021. Exor partner (Canadian) companies and what they do In a letter to shareholders of Exor Company,…
It will rescue more than 20,000 Afghans. Separated Europe takes notes Europe is surprisingly divided, despite the drama unfolding in Afghanistan these days. Pictures of thousands of people gathering at…
Those who want to change their life have the opportunity to purchase an entirely private island in Canada. It’s called Half Island, and it costs less than a studio apartment…
Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau He apologized in parliament for imprisoning Italian Canadians during World War II. After Italy declared war on him in 1940, Canada captured more than…
Eight games played, many wins. Developed by the close Italian couple Stefania Constantini and Amos Moser The mixed doubles curling competition has revealed the best game ever, beating any rival…
Norway defeated Canada 6-5 to advance to the semifinals of the Mixed Doubles Curling World Cup. Geneva (Switzerland) is walking on ice. The Scandinavians finally won the playoffs thanks to…
North American illustrator of Ukrainian descent. Faced with the war, Ivanka chose to help her comrades by selling her works “I Represent the Reality of Hope” and “Evil is Not…
Canada set a new record for the third consecutive day of extreme temperatures: 49.5 degrees Celsius in the middle of an unprecedented heat wave in the northeastern village of Lytton,…
By Mariana Crossi For the first time a “Historical” survey Highlights the number of Trans and non-binary people in Canada. In its second report on data collected in 2021, Statistics…
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