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You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

The son calls the carabinieri and arrests him

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It was the ten-year-old son who arrested his father. The drunken man started hitting his wife with a hockey stick in front of the child. It happened in Bologna.

The hockey stick seized by the gendarmerie

The hockey stick seized by the gendarmerie

He started hitting his wife with a hockey stick in front of his 10-year-old son when the latter called 112 and arrested him in response to his mother’s screams. It happened in Bologna, in the region of Savina, where the little boy lives with his family.

10 year old boy alert 112

It all started a few nights ago when the father, a 41-year-old man, came home visibly upset by the alcohol. Soon, he started hitting his wife with a hockey stick. The woman, frightened, wounded, and worried that the situation might deteriorate, asked the child to alert the gendarmerie: at that point the child called 112 and shortly thereafter the Carabinieri of the portable radio group appeared at home in Bologna. from Bologna.

The man was arrested for mistreatment

The woman was rescued by the army, found with several injuries to the face and in tears, and the man was stopped. It was she who told what happened, and also revealed the background of cohabitation consisting of aggression and violence committed by her husband over the years. So far she hasn’t found the strength to report but she was scared last night, for the first time she was afraid for her safety and that of her son. The 41-year-old was immediately taken to prison for ill-treatment. According to what was reconstructed, this would not be the first time, when he returned home drunk, he would provoke a fight to violently attack his wife.

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