In Bologna in attendance and online from 12 to 14 May
Medical research is advancing very rapidly, as the experience of Covid-19 has demonstrated, making it increasingly necessary to rationalize teaching and train clinicians as well as educate the public, who must have the tools to make choices and decisions that are as rational as possible. After only two years online, the Festival of Medical Sciences returns to Bologna, with the presence of Aula Magna of Santa Lucia, who relaunch the theme of “Education for Care: Teaching and Learning”. The eighth edition, which will also be available anyway, brings together scientists and experts, Nobel Prize winners each year, with the goal of opening their knowledge to the general public on the great times of medicine, from post-pandemic to innovations in artificial intelligence.
The festival was designed by Fabio Rossi of Monaco and promoted by the Foundation for the Promotion and Study of Medical Sciences, in collaboration with the Carisbo Foundation and the University of Bologna and with the support of the Intesa Sanpaolo group, the festival was presented in the municipality of Bologna.
Among the events that characterize this edition, explained scientific director Gilberto Corbellini, “those related to the teaching of medicine, artificial intelligence which is developing above all at the technological level with innovations mainly related to automation, and then an event about cognitive decline stands out. We will also talk about dreams – He adds – which are usually taken up in the humanities but are actually physiological and in some cases also clinically indicative.” Among the speeches, the 2012 Nobel Prize in Chemistry is Brian Kobelka.
“Finally in attendance after two years – noted city councilor Massimo Bogani – an important signal to resume work. Events like this are the city’s heritage.”
“It is not a conference dedicated to experts but a citizens’ festival – with the aim of spreading dialogue with citizens,” said Luigi Bolundi, a member of the festival’s scientific committee.
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