Bologna, March 27, 2022 – Anyone who owns a Iphone or a I am watching He may have wondered how he could get green lane In both devices quickly and easily. Also because, due to having to show it frequently, it can be beneficial to have the green certificate on the wrist and be able to get through checks quickly.
Well, if you enter the green lane in the app wallet (The document containing documents such as plane tickets, train tickets or credit cards, plus Apple Pay), in a moment you will have the document in all the Apple devices connected to our account, and therefore also iPads as well as iWatches.
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But how do we do that? If you download Green Pass from apps The or imperviouswho is with you health record Or from the Ausl email, the phone allows us to save it to our camera roll, but not to Wallet. In contrast, the document saved in your camera roll can be sent and shared to other apps, and you can even create a new watch face for iWatch (clock lock screen with time, weather, etc.), but it certainly isn’t functional.
Adding a Green Card to Wallet: All Instructions
If you connect to the site With just a few clicks, that’s it. First, it is best to open the site with Safari, the official Apple browser, so you can get to know which device you’re browsing faster. Once you’re at the site, simply enter the green pass you’ve already saved on your phone, or you can start the camera and shoot the certificate QR code directly.
You can also choose the color in which you want to save the document in Wallet, then click “Add to WalletThe process is already complete. With this very quick procedure, you’ll get your Green Card on all the Apple devices we’ve signed in with our account.
Getting green certification on iWatch, as well as on iPhone can simplify and speed up all the checks.
Green pass on iPhone and iWatch with Stocard
It is not mandatory to contact the covidpass website to get a green card on your iWatch or on your phone. There is another app Which allows you to do almost the same procedure and quickly: Stockard. Simply download it from the App Store (for free) and once it’s open, tap on “add paperA drop-down menu opens, where you can select the green certificate. To insert it, you can image the printed QrCode, or insert the image of the green lane already saved on the phone and that’s it.
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