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Save your football league. Public notice to the municipality to obtain expressions of interest

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The Municipality of Ancona published a public notice this morning, inviting interested clubs to express their interest in registering the city’s representative football team in the amateur championship for the 2024-2025 sporting season. This initiative comes in the wake of the failure of the club’s registration procedures in the Italian Professional League for next season.

New opportunities for Ancona football

The municipal administration intends to define a new legal entity that can represent the city in the football panorama, ensuring the continuity and development of the youth sector and planning a return to the senior divisions. Despite the difficulties, the conditions for registering the city’s main team in the Regional Championship of the National Amateur League (LND) for the 2024-2025 season, affiliated with the Regional Championship of Excellence, remain open. The Italian Football Federation (FIGC) announced the possibility of registering a club representing the municipality in an amateur tournament.

Times and methods of participation

Expressions of interest must be submitted by 9:00 am on 1 July 2024, to allow compliance with the deadline set by the Italian Football Federation of 6:00 pm on 4 July 2024. Advertisements must be sent exclusively via PEC to [email protected], accompanied by the required documents, which are fully available on the electronic bulletin board of the Municipality of Ancona. Candidates must not have, within the last five years, held roles as partner, manager or director with representation powers in clubs subject to procedures for exclusion from the Championship or cancellation of affiliation with the Italian Football Federation. Furthermore, they must not have any serious criminal convictions or be involved in football scandals. It is also necessary to prove the person’s suitability to hold positions in football clubs in accordance with FIFA regulations and not be in a state of bankruptcy or liquidation. The notification requires the submission of a three-year plan for sports activities, with details about the organization and management of the main team, the youth sector and the women’s sector. For proposals to register in the Serie D Interregional Championship, a budget of at least €150,000 is required to manage the youth sector.

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Evaluation of proposals and municipal support

The municipality will proceed to evaluate the proposals received and verify their completeness and adequacy. In the event that there are no proposals for registration in the Serie D Regional Championship, proposals for the Regional Championship of Excellence will be considered. The municipal administration undertakes to grant free use of the “AC ANCONA” brand, subject to the approval of the “Save the Brands” fan committee. The municipality will also make the Del Conero stadium available, after paying the fees determined by the municipal council.

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