On March 26, CNN reported Don Lemon In the face of the flames that Kiev authorities condemned as another Russian attack, there was contact from Ukraine to report an air strike near Elviv. Images of his statement have been circulating for the past few hours accusing him of “misinforming the target”: according to protesters, the shooting was not taken in the city attacked by the Russians, but in Edmonton, Canada.
For those in a hurry:
- In order to create “target misinformation”, footage of a fire in Canada has been circulating on the CNN news website claiming to have erupted in Ukraine.
- Evidence for this study lies in the uniforms of firefighters taken into service with the signature of the Canadian city of Edmonton.
- In fact, the disorder is illustrated by donations made in recent days from Canada to Ukraine, including uniforms for the country’s firefighters.
Here you are A post Facebook shared the allegation against CNN:
Another embarrassing channel, CNN, reported that the Lviv bomber struck the Edmonton fire in Canada. The footage clearly shows the uniforms of the firefighters marked “Edmonton”.
The origin of such an accusation lies in the profile observed by users: behind the CNN journalist, in fact, we see firefighters busy. In their uniform, if you look closely, you can read the name of the Canadian city: Edmonton.
This is enough for some Twitter users ROrtigiaP, Defining journalists as “despicable, servant, filthy”, criminals – in their opinion – creating a distorted story to feed the anti-Russian propaganda. But is it true that the shots taken were from Canada rather than Ukraine? Of course not, for a number of reasons we are going to look at it now.
Cooperation between Canadian and Ukrainian firefighters
Let’s start with one fact: Edmonton is a city Donated 14 tons of rescue equipment for Ukraine, this equipment includes firefighters’ uniforms. It did so recently, but before the conflict with Russia erupted: first 2017, For example, we see the news that a team of Edmonton firefighters and forwarders donated 600 protective clothing to firefighters in Ukraine, along with other equipment such as oxygen cylinders, hoses and nozzles. The gesture of solidarity was triggered by the fact that, according to the Edmonton firefighter, Ukrainian colleagues were in “brutal working conditions without the most basic equipment”. But the organization’s Facebook page also intervened, confirming that the uniforms worn by Liv’s firefighters came from Canadian donations. Firefighter Assistance Ukraine, Was born Collection and shipment of life-saving equipment and medical supplies from Canada to Ukraine: On March 26, he published a post quoting the offending CNN service.
Thanks to Stu Abercrombie for taking this picture of Ukrainian firefighters near Lviv wearing equipment donated by Edmonton firefighters.
Edmonton firefighter Kevin Roy, a non-profit founder, confirmed To say: “The equipment is definitely from our project.” He added that although the name of the city is usually removed from the uniform, it may not happen, so the writing will remain the same. Edmonton We saw in the pictures. Alberta Search and Rescue Team Provides Forces to Rescue Blast Survivors in Ukraine: In March, a team of eight volunteers He flew to Kiev With food and equipment, to strengthen the bond of solidarity created between the two countries.
Plus, the scene of the Moscow attack on the day of the alleged service was actually Lviv. Confirmation came from Russian Defense Ministry spokesman Igor Konashenko at a conference on Sunday, March 27. Announced: “On March 26, high-precision and long-range air-launched weapons destroyed a large fuel base near the city of Elviv, which was delivered to Ukrainian troops in the western part of the country and near Kiev.”
All the evidence leads to a conclusion: the CNN reporter was actually in Ukraine, and he reported the airstrikes by Russian troops on the city of Lviv. The existence of Canadian uniforms for Edmonton firefighters is illustrated by donations made by the city to Ukraine in the past.
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