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Leaders of the European People’s Party. A warning from socialists against the expansion of the right

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Rome, 10 June 2024 – Once the counting of votes in the European elections is over, it is immediately time to think about how the elections will be conducted. The new European Parliament. In addition to the situation in Italy (which elects 76 deputies), where support for FDI is close to 29% and for the Democratic Party at 24%, we have to analyze data from different countries. However, the scenario limits Ursula’s majority to around 400 seats.

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European Union election results: The far right runs in Germany, Austria, Spain, and flies to France

The European Parliament consists of 720 deputies. Accounts in hand, according to preliminary data, The European People’s Party could get 185 seats, the Socialists and Democrats 134 seats, and the European Renewal Party 79 seats.: Only 401 seats are enough to obtain a majority. Below is an update on the non-final composition of the new European Parliament, based on projections made by the European Parliament itself.

  • Personal protective equipment: 186 seats
  • Calculus: 134 seats
  • Renewing Europe: 83 seats
  • ECR (European Conservatives and Reformists): 73 seats
  • Identity and democracy: 58 seats
  • Greens: 53 seats
  • Leave: 36 seats
  • unregistered: 46 seats
  • Others without membership: 55 seats
Elections: seats in the European Parliament, forecasts

Elections: seats in the European Parliament, forecasts

In France right Marine Le Pen and Jordan Bardella It so clearly outweighs – and even doubles – the party of President Emmanuel Macron, that the Elysee resident immediately chose to call it New elections When the polls had not yet closed in Italy. Earthquake also in BelgiumWith the Prime Minister Alexander De Croo Who with tears decides to resign. Strong shock also in Germany: Far right Alternative for Democracy Party It becomes the second party, the transcendence Spd For Chancellor Olaf Scholz, while the People’s Party is in first place CDU. The far right is the first in Austriabut he also flies Greece And in Dutch. The repercussions should also be monitored SpainThe far right is not making any progress, even if the People’s Party, which received 34%, undermines Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez’s Socialist Workers Party, which is stuck at 30%.

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So the scenario seems fairly clear: Right growth Goes along with Government difficulties Among the major European countries, Italy is practically the only exception. It is a result that leaves nothing to be desired Potential equilibria are stablewith the European People’s Party Who asserts himself as leader and calls out the following majority and invites Social Democrats Hey Liberals To an alliance that will keep the far right out. “I invite both the other parties, S&D who are in second place and Renew who are in third place, to join in Pro-European Union coalition Laying the foundations for the next five years – words of the President of the European People’s Party, Manfred Weber -. I ask them to respect the democratic process and the election results by supporting his reappointment to the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen.” The potential majority of the European People’s Party, Socialism and Democracy and the Renew Europe Party may be enough, on paper, to achieve this Keep the right out, Although fairly common progress across Europe.

the European Socialist Party Warn Ursula von der Leyen The European People’s Party believes that the potential expansion of the majority in the European Chamber to the right cannot happen with the Socialists and Democrats within the coalition. “If the expansion of the program goes in a direction other than that of the Green Party, we cannot negotiate. If so Iker, It is without us,” stressed the Secretary General of the European Socialist Party James Filipke During a post-election event organized by Politico.

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“These elections on European soil carry two basic messages. First, they still exist Majority for a strong Europe In the middle of the political spectrum. In other words, the center held,” said the President of the European Commission at a press conference in Berlin Ursula von der Leyen. “But it is also true that extremists, both on the left and the right, have gained support. So this outcome also entails A great responsibility for the centrist parties He added: We may have different opinions on individual points, but we all want a strong Europe capable of working. Throughout my election campaign, I worked intensely to build. A large and practical majority for a strong Europe“, recalled the European Commission president before announcing that she would first talk to the Socialist Workers’ Party and the liberals. “Well, in fact, there is a rise of the far right and, in fact, also of the far left.” “We have both phenomena,” von der Leyen said in response to a request. . But not as much as expected, not as much as expected. The opposite is true: we achieved a strong victory as the European People’s Party. This indicates that it can be resisted to the pressures of extremism “And to succeed while being responsible for the European Union.”

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