Seventy-two students from different Italian regions participated in the thirty-fourth edition of the Italian selection for the European Competition “Youth and Science 2023” of the European Commission’s Directorate-General for Research. “This year we invited 33 projects to the exhibition open to the public. The stands were created by Italian and foreign students (from 14 to 20 years old) to present their inventions, projects, studies and research.
Female attendance has increased over the years, as this year there are 33 female students among the geniuses present “, notes Rinaldo Psaro, President of the Federation of Scientific and Technical Societies (FAST), which has been organizing since 1989 the Italian national selection for the “EUCYS-European Union Competition for Young Scientists” of the Directorate-General for Research, European Commission.
The prestige of competition for secondary school girls and boys also depends on its legal basis: it is coveted by European institutions (the European Commission, Parliament and European Council) and shared by the governments of EU member states; In Italy, the Ministry of Education and Merit “Youth and Science” is part of the “Io merito” program to promote excellence and this year Minister Giuseppe Valdetara was present at the awards ceremony. The boys and girls won scholarships and the opportunity to represent Italy and compete in other international science competitions around the world.
Articles related to the 33 winning projects, written by the same students who created them, will be published in the Children’s section of ANSA Science and Technology.
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