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G7 Weekly Agenda: Science and Technology Ministerial Meeting Ready

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There are many topics on the agenda, as confirmed in the memorandum of the Ministry of Universities and Research, led by Anna Maria Bernini.

Published:05-07-2024 21:07

Last updated:05-07-2024 21:55

Rome – Three days For science and technologyThe ministerial meeting dedicated to them will begin on Tuesday the 9th with the arrival of the delegations and will continue until then. To Thursday 11, in Bologna and Forli.

There are many topics on the agenda, confirms the memorandum of the Ministry of Universities and Scientific Research, led by Anna Maria Bernini. “The meeting will be an opportunity to discuss the centrality of science and research in ensuring a more equitable and sustainable future,” read the presentation texts of the event. “The integrity and integrity of scientific research; large research infrastructures; new and emerging technologies, nuclear energy and space; cooperation with Africa; protection of seas and oceans: these are some of the priority themes identified by the Italian Presidency for this ministerial meeting.

We will start the day after the delegations arrive. Wednesday 10th at Technopolo in Bolognawith Bernini’s welcome and the opening speech of the Italian presidency scheduled for 9.30. This will be followed by sessions focusing on “research safety”, “scientific communication” and even “large infrastructure projects”. At twelve, always at TechnopoloA visit to the Leonardo supercomputer is planned. In the afternoon there will be a field for cooperation with Africa in the field of research and innovation. In the evening, In the monastery of San Mercuriale in ForlipromNational Symphony Orchestra of Italian Conservatories.

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Thursday 11th at Technopolo The sessions will resume with a focus on emerging technologies, nuclear and space. The discussion will then continue on “Seas, oceans and biodiversity”. A press conference by the Italian Presidency is scheduled for 12.15 p.m., to provide a final overview with a summary, conclusions and commitments.

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