John Doe

If you want to make your dreams come true, the first thing you have to do is wake up.

Mary Taylor

You can have anything you want if you are willing to give up everything you have.

Franco Tosca says it enough: “This football is not for me. Make room for those with more courage”

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Even the most profitable stories, sooner or later, reach an ending point, like the story he is about to write Franco Tosca On the last page of a book summarizing over twenty-five years of amateur football.

His career as a manager began at Mornago, at that time in the first category; From there, after the tournament at the top of the table, the invitation to Castilets, has just been moved to upgrade. It was in the 1998/99 season when the manager arrived at the Piedmontese side from Ticino and in the first attempt brought the club back to excellence. Two years later, the leap occurred D series, the category was retained for five years; However, at the end of his contract, an unexpected breakup opened a very small (and unfortunate) bracket at Verbano, before starting again with renewed energy in the second category, in Tainofollowing his friend Michele Paraccini. A choice that couldn’t be more appropriate, given that the club won the championship by seventeen points from second place. After that, Azate Calcio Mornago – after winning the Promuzione qualifiers – and Somizi and then SulbiaSomizi – came close to moving to the fourth division three times – and a short spell at Borgomanero.

“I left Borgomanero after a few months The manager saysBecause in my life I have never stooped to playing the game of men in power. Then the opportunity arose to go to Vergiatese, again thanks to Paraccini, who was entrusted with the Juniors mission. At that time there was Bossetti – a kindred spirit – who was picking up the pieces of what was left of the company; After my arrival, from modest promotion, we managed to win the championship with Gatti on the bench and Coscuna as sporting director. The Vergiatese was my home until last year, when I sold it to Fraietta. “I felt a bit sick of this football for a while, but since there was a group of players I was in love with, I decided to continue and bring them all with me to Castano.”

But now, there is a more specific decision: a decision He left football, with its dynamics in which he struggled to find himself. “the soccer It was different; or better, Era the world He is Different, Whyon time The handshake was as good as signing the bill of exchange. But today, In the middle of all this Hypocrisy and communication with coaches, players and managers Become difficult. Until I did it In my own strength and made my own decisions, I take Which I am I’ve been hired And Self I was wrong, at least I was wrong With my head. sthis year, instead of, to avoid clashes, I preferred not to take a position And We all know what that’s like gold To end“.

There is no deficiency on the part of the manager Words of thanks During the past year “I thank the Di Bernardi family, who gave me the opportunity to play football at Castano, and Mr. Garavaglia, with whom I shared the joys and sorrows. Obviously there is a lot of regret for my first relegation, a stigma that I will always carry with me. I would have preferred to have ended differently, but After all, as they say, there’s always a first time and regardless of our shortcomings and mistakes, everything went wrong in December. We had a fairly good recruitment season, but injuries didn’t give us any rest: Ruvida was injured on the second day. “With Solpiatis, Ruggeri breaking his cruciate ligament in the representative match, and Marchese only returning for the play-offs the situation was certainly not beneficial and, let’s say, it was an unfortunate year.”

But the straw that broke the camel’s back in recent years relates, as expected, to broader issues.
“In football today, the person who brings sponsor trains, the person who brings games to sponsors, the person who brings sponsors is the manager… How much merit is there behind these mechanisms?Tosca wonders -. Nowadays we move forward out of compassion, and are sought out not for our merits and abilities, but for our economic potential. And honestly, without taking anything from others, I did something in football. I may have been an awkward person and didn’t like much, but my way of doing things led me to get important results. I’ve given a lot to football and I’ve also gotten enough, but now it’s time to say enough. Once upon a time, sacrifices were made willingly, because there was more seriousness and authenticity. Now it feels like a mockery of football, pretending to be professional amateurs, to the point that to contact the players you first have to talk to the agents… in Eccellenza. These are dynamics that affect morale, because it becomes difficult to find emotional triggers. Maybe I am a person who believes too much in values ​​and therefore the fault lies with me. Personally, I am proud of what I did with the modest means I always had, alone or with some friends who supported me. If I had the budget of other clubs, I would have played another type of football, but in my own little way I always defended myself well, and also brought players into the Italian League, like Piovaccari and Calzi, or others who reached the Italian League. D, such as Dido, Cacciatore, Campagnaro, and Ridelli. In my own backyard, I feel proud that I did something healthy and real; certainly. However, since these values ​​are now becoming rare, I think it is right to step aside and make room for those who know how to pretend and have more courage than me to take on today’s world. I am a man who belongs to yesterday’s world, this type of football does not suit me. Sport is a commitment and I prefer to devote my time to real people: my family and my three grandchildren, whom I love.”

The desire to leave the scene is strong. However, under the right circumstances, this double-locked door could, through an imperceptible crack, allow even the slightest possibility to sneak through.
“If there is still a possibility to continue playing football, I would be willing to accept it just with some friends, even at the cost of being relegated to a lower category. But the important thing is that things are done in a real way. Only in this case can I have some time, Otherwise, I won’t back down.”

Concluding with these words: “Thank you football, thank you everyone. I hope someone remembers me. I apologize to anyone who may have been offended by my words, but this is Franco Tosca, a real man who always says what he thinks.”

Silvia Alabardi

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