Flag out loud
Liv 2023
One meeting per month from March to August.
Through the collaboration of various associations and events working in the cultural field, “Science Out Loud” was born: a series of events in which children and adolescents will have the opportunity to read some passages from science books linked to experiments, games and workshops!
One meeting per month from March to August.
All activities are free but reservations are required. Below is the schedule of activities (which will be updated monthly)
Note: The book is only for children/teenagers who must be accompanied by an adult
Important: If it is not possible to attend a booked appointment, it is mandatory to cancel the reservation.
He walks
Saturday 03/25 at 16:00
Frascati Covered Market
Buffalo monster
A lab to debunk some misconceptions about the animal world
The target is 8-12 years old
Is it true that porcupines throw quills? And that chameleons change color to blend in? If you answered “Absolutely,” then come and marvel at this lab to see how many “Monstrous Hoaxes” there are. In the company of the naturalists of G.Eco, we will get to know some animals live and dispel some myths about them, reading excerpts from Graziano Ciocca’s books on this subject: “Bulls hate red” (Edizioni Dedalo, 2015) and “The wild buffalo ′ ^ (De Agostini Libri, 2021).
Reservation required: http://scienzaadaltavoce.eventbrite.it/
Spring Festival
As part of the project for the joint renovation and management of Serra di Villa Sciarra, …
All appointments 2022-2023 are part of the LEAF Launch Events Programme, the project funded by the European Commission’s HORIZON-MSCA-2022-CITIZENS-01 programme, under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action and the contribution of the Lazio Region.
LEAF is sponsored by the Ministry of Culture, the Ministry of Ecological Transformation, the Castelli Romani Park and the Municipality of Frascati.
Furthermore, the 17th edition of the European Night awarded researchers of Frascati Scienza the Order of the President of the Republic, bestowed by President Sergio Mattarella, who has always been particularly interested in important events in the promotion and dissemination of scientific culture.
As of now, activities are planned in more than 20 cities spread throughout Italy, thanks to the collaboration of many new and historic partners who will give their contributions and support to this celebration of scientific research:
Bank of Italy, CREA, ESA – European Space Agency, European Institute for Brain Research (EBRI) ‘Rita Levi-Montalcini’, Umberto Veronesi Foundation, Agostino Gemelli University Hospital Foundation IRCCS, ICR – Central Institute of Restoration, IFO – National Institute Regina Elena and Institute San Gallicano Dermatology – IRCCS, Bambino Gesu Pediatric Hospital, Istat, Free University Maria Santisima Assunta – LUMSA, Bio-Medico Campus of Rome, University of Cassino and Southern Lazio, Roma Tre University, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” – Department of Biology, University of Rome “Tor Vergata” – Department of History, Cultural Heritage, Education and Society, UnitelmaSapienza University of Rome, University of Parma, AIRC Foundation for Cancer Research, FAI – Fondo Ambiente Italiano, City of Ariccia, Municipality of Nemi, ALACLAM Alumni Association of Universidad Cassino and Lazio Meridiana le, Responsible Bioscian Association, Le Scie Fisiche Youth Association, Italian Association of Operating Room Nurses – AICO Italy, Speak Science Association, eV-Now!, C&C, Explora il Museo dei Bambini di Rom a, Cubing Italy, FVA New Media Research, ISINNOVA, G.Eco, Journalists Nell’Erba, Astronomers Monti Lepini Group, Il Salotto di Giano APS, MindSharing.tech, Pontine Earth Museum, Castelli Romani Hospitality, PariMpari Onlus, Castelli Romani System, Sotacarbo, European Bioeconomics Network, Transition2BIO, Comprehensive Frascati Institute 1, Umbria Green Festival.
Media partners: TeleAmbiente, 30 Science Press Agency, Dire National Press Agency, Radio Rai 3, Journalists Nell’Erba, Green Me, Repubblica Green & Blue, Pressenza International Press Agency, Radio Scienza, Rome Daily News, Roma Tre Radio.
This project has received funding from the European Union’s HORIZON-MSCA-2022-CITIZENS-01 Research and Innovation Program under Grant Agreement No. 101060194.
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