Ryanair strike on Spanish bases: started on Monday August 8 and will run until January 7, 2023 From Monday 8 August to 7 JanuaryRyanair cabin crew will run weekly 24…
Upward trend despite difficulties 2022 has started very well. Far beyond the best expectations of many operators. And at the end of the first quarter, exports are also growing: more…
The Italian stock market halted the gains recorded at the beginning of the day. Securities in the banking sector are taking a downturn. The main indices of the Italian Stock…
Silica Bags: Here are the uses and why they should never be discarded. She deserves a real fortune and you might not even know it. Silica bags – Nanopress.it The…
Eating a lollipop on a trip could endanger our lives. Here’s what could happen. Lollipops in the car – Motori.News During our car trip, we got hungry and wanted to…
The history of Italian coinage is rich in specimens of great fame and great circulation, especially all coins of the republican era, so all those minted since the end of…
Fabio Poli August 06, 2022 04:35 Involved While Italians are distracted from the holidays, since the start of the election campaign…
Shopping and buying household items is one of the most important household activities. In addition to buying high-quality raw materials, in fact, you need to pay attention to discounts and…
Today’s Italian families are increasingly looking for rewards to be able to move forward. Italians earn very little but the cost of living is compensated a plus Always. Dealing This…
Cases abound in gas station workers who come up with tricks to try to defraud consumers. Here’s what you need to know and what to check before you dispense fuel!…
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