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Drought by Paolo Virtue: A high-quality film that brings lost hope to Venice 79 :: Sue’s blog today

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Rome where it hasn’t rained for three years, a chorus of characters linked, in some way, to each other, young and old, marginalized and unmarginalized, victims and beneficiaries. The Italian with all its contradictions and beauty, then Italian comedy enriched with new patterns, from the obsessed with social networking sites to the mother of a family betraying her husband in search of new feelings, from the working woman who regrets his choices for the love of a university professor attracted to the same superficiality he says he despises. all of this drought, The new film directed by Paolo Virtue, premiered, out of competition, at the 79th Venice Film Festival and is of the highest quality among all the titles proposed to the public so far.

drought It is a choral story of Italy in the midst of a fictional climate and health crisis that reacts to these events more than itself, with all its poetic contradiction. Written by Paolo Virtue in the midst of a pandemic, and with a crew that sees the presence of Silvio Orlando, Claudia Pandolfi, Valerio Masandrea, Monica Bellucci, Max Tortura, and many more, it is a coherent and intelligent, wisely constructed film that, in its simplicity, knows how to communicate with onlookers and signal straight to their hearts. drought He is able to convey to the public about the Venice Festival the hope they need. c.onquista, embracing, making you feel less alone, all-encompassing thanks to his ability to understand irony in tragedy, hope in despair, and humanity in brutality. This film, which brings to Venice that positivity that it certainly lacked, is a window into contemporary society that is immortalized in real time. drought It is a mirror on our fears and fears and makes us notice them from a distance that is necessary to be able to “judge” them objectively and also to understand them.

Watch drought Anyone can learn about his history and characters in the post-pandemic Italy we all lived through. Thus, following the intertwined plots of its heroes, the viewer can only feel a part of his story and can only understand each of his choices, whether it is right or wrong.

Light and profound at the same time, ironic and serious, drought It’s a beautiful movie but above all necessary and this desire to retrieve each character is so strong that it escapes from the screen and becomes partially a character and this hope and the desire to turn the page was just what we needed.

Rating: 8

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