The sequel to the legendary 1994 film directed by Kevin Smith will begin in September in the US, with an event releasing in theaters on September 13, 14 and 15. Here is the official trailer for the movie Clerks III.
If you’ve never seen clerksThe movie was directed by a young man at the time Kevin Smith In 1994, now stop and go watch it.
did? Good. Now you can continue reading, and discover that in the US in September, an event release (which is clearly something that is starting to appear there as well) will be in theaters. third clerksthe second sequel to this cult film of the tenth generation and the ninth film of the so-called View Askewniverse’s profileThe cinematic universe you envision Smith Which, in addition to the three scribes, also includes tenth generationAnd the looking for amyAnd the creedAnd the Guy and Silent Bob…STOP Hollywood! And the Jay and Silent Bob – Back to Hollywood.
Definitely a conspiracy Half-And the third clerks You will tell a story Randall (Jeff Anderson), the hero of the series, who, after suffering a serious heart attack (just like what actually happened to Smith), takes it in his head to make a movie about his life spent in quick stopThe store where it all began. Assisted, of course, by friends Dante (Brian O’Halloran) , Despair (Trevor Firman), Jay (Jason Muse) and Silent Bob (Kevin Smith).
Below, this is the first trailer for Clerks III:
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