To merge France And the England There is a fifty kilometer long tunnel that crosses the English Channel. then there, Charlotte Gainsburg. French from his legendary father Serge. English for the legendary mother Jane Birkin. There is London, where she was born in 1971, and Paris in the history and geography of this talented actress and singer, the double daughter of art and the artistic daughter of the best authors of European cinema (Chéreau, Gondry, the Taviani, Varda, von Trier, Wenders(other than America)Gonzalez Inarritu, Heinz, Ivory), with a sortie to Hollywood (Independence Day – Renewal to Roland Emmerichbut that’s where the seal came in.)
The lady – the young woman, who meets the press in jeans – also looks relaxed Milan. which has Parisian rooftops, London skyscrapers and the central Antaeus Palazzo del Cinema. That’s where Charlotte arrived, and she has a great desire to talk. About herself and her first film as a director. Which doesn’t make much difference, because Jane from Charlotte It’s a “film about myself looking for my mother.” An intimate and familiar documentary. Beside Jane Birkin With Charlotte there is also – in everyday nature – a young daughter (“Jane is just her grandmother”) and Serge Ginsburg stone guest. The actor, director and lawyer, missing for more than thirty years, is an icon in France. “The French know everything about my family, even more than me. It was almost my duty to share with the whole country what my father had in my eyes. I didn’t divulge any secrets, and to be honest, I felt comfortable making this movie.” Which effectively sums up the intent and outcome of the first work: “I did it in a selfish way. For my mother but above all for me. It is the story of a mother and her daughter, but to my surprise, it turned out to be a film that was able to address everyone.”
Jane from Charlotte It comes out in theaters this June, and is distributed by Wanted. First, in April, we’ll see Ginsburg at I love Susanna Andler (Again to Most Wanted, a lively and courageous distribution house). in a movie Benoit Jacot, Taken from the play Marguerite Duras, prove the actress is extraordinary. It fills the theatrical scene itself, prey to the existential turmoil of a high-bourgeois lady in a villa on the Cote d’Azur. “I’ve read lover and painbut I know a few works Marguerite Duras – Says Ginsburg. To play Susanna Andler, I immersed myself in the script for an entire month. A strange woman, far from me, ended up looking like me. Herein lies the universality of the great author.
These days she is in Italian cinemas with another film: accusation. Directed by his partner (for thirty years) Ivan Attal. The protagonist of the novel is Ben Attal. your son. Was working with your mother more difficult, or sharing the group with your firstborn?
Two different cases. It started with my mother out of a case of personal embarrassment. To make Jane by Charlotte, I wanted to ask her questions that I sometimes knew the answers to. It was my first time as a director, and being with her was really special. I have already acted with my son. But in the prosecution, Ben is the protagonist. Complex course. A young man accused of rape. I managed to grasp the fragility and mystery of his character. A very moving experience. And directing Evan is not easy. We know each other so well I know what he wants and I’m always frustrated that I can’t give it to him.
She is the daughter of Jane Birkin and Serge Gainsbourg. Hence, charm and beauty are family affairs as well.
I come from a family where aesthetics have always been important. I’ve felt it since I was a kid, when I cut my hair short and dress as a boy. I looked like a child. I saw my mother, beautiful, and it was painful to realize that I was not as beautiful as her. I think of all the teens who look in the mirror and don’t like each other. Today, I see it from my daughter’s social networks, girls with big breasts, big butt, narrow waist are the most popular. They all look the same in the day there was Kate Moss. Special and wonderful.
His father was of Eastern European descent. As a sensitive artist with an international career, do you want to express free-thinking about the conflict in Ukraine?
I’ve always heard my parents, grandmothers, and aunts talk about being Russian and they left Russia in 1917. Now I know they were actually Ukrainians, they came from what is now Ukraine. Those who fight for their homeland today inhabit the land of my ancestors. Images of war are not alien to us, but seeing them come so close is heartbreaking. I understand what the EU is today, even after leaving the UK. Europe is one great voice. And I’m proud that President Macron’s voice is my own, too. The words in support of Ukraine are on the side of all the Ukrainians who are fighting and forced to leave.
It was directed by great people. Did your experiences as an actress help you make your directorial debut?
I tried to practice something seen in Lars (von Trier, with whom he shot the abused Antichrist, gloom, double lust, ed.). But this my first film as a director is very far from what he does. And I certainly cannot claim otherwise.
Which of your parents do you think you resemble the most?
From both I inherited the reticence and humility in showing feelings. Evan, on the other hand, with our three children is overly emotional. I think a lot is better than very little. From my father, declarations of love to me always came in the form of cinema, songs, and interviews. I also had to take a camera to dedicate my mother to Jane’s finale from Charlotte. Today I look more and more like her. I arrived late for appointments, I missed flights…I’m crazy about it. But I am also happy with that.
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