“Coach as a Dad” is the title of the documentary film celebrating Sandro Gamba and his long career, written and directed by Massimiliano Vinazir Fleuri.
“Coach as a Father” is the title of the documentary that celebrates Sandro Gamba and his long career, Written and directed by Massimiliano Vinazir Fleuri, in collaboration with FIP. It will be presented at EuroBasket in September.
A delicate and emotional work that includes, and to some extent, ideally, the Italian Hall of Fame: obviously Gamba himself, but also Cesare Roubini and Dino Menegin, all strongly associated with Olympia. Click here to view the trailer.
“Cap Coach”, which will premiere on September 4 in Milan at the Cinema Antio, is also an open letter to young people to present and communicate the story of Sandro Gamba, who recently turned 90, to them. whose number 8 shirt was pulled from the club last season.
The story of ninety years, crossing the different historical periods of our society, between war and memories, victories and emotions in an intensely lived life where sport, and basketball in particular, has a highly educational and formative role in a series of unforgettable images. He hits.
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