“beautiful!” It is the new show created and directed by Francesco Sgrò, with Cordata FOR and Fabbrica C produced in collaboration with FLIC Scuola di Circo. The artists have been in art residency at Bunker FLIC Space since the beginning of September for the final stage and debut on September 30. beautiful! It is a stage show that brings together six virtuous circus performers from different backgrounds and a very graceful actor, chosen for their mutual ability to listen and understand each other. Group dynamics at the heart of the project.
beautiful! He questions the relativity of historical forms of beauty, despotism in Italy, and the universality of our need to rule. The universe is strange, very physical. No number, no device. But the constant search for flying. A show in which acrobats and actors break physical and mental norms about beauty, transcending stereotypes and their boundaries in a mass and continuous movement on the stage.
Open to all forms of pollution, he does choral work of the acrobatic gesture and the word is poetic. beautiful! It is a show of the power of wonder and the power of the circus at alert, always in search, that subordinates aesthetics to morals and relentlessly seeks new forms of expression.
“No one has power over beauty. Beauty is something annoying, it penetrates and shakes us. Beauty doesn’t match.”
Selling online: https://www.mailticket.it/location/0052261590456/spazio-flic-co-bunker
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