Producers of “Rust,” the Western movie in which Alec Baldwin killed film director Halyna Hutchins, have been fined with a pistol shot and also severely reprimanded for not following basic safety regulations. while making a movie. The makers of “Rust” showed “complete indifference to the dangers associated with the use of firearms on location,” the New Mexico Department of the Environment (the state where the film was filmed) ruled, fined Rust’s production totaling $136,793.
Director Joel Sousa was also smeared in the accident last October. Baldwin, one of the producers, was rehearsing a scene and thought he had a safe place at hand, but the head of the state agency, James Kenny, spoke of “numerous management failures and sufficient evidence to show that, if safety standard procedures were followed, and it was possible to Avoid Hutchins’ death and Sousa’s injury.”
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