aristocrats, the beloved Disney animated classic from 1970, is just the latest animated film for the House of Mickey Mouse about to make its live-action debut. In fact, the production…
Let’s find out together the progress of the episode of Another Tomorrow, which was broadcast on 27 March on Channel 5. The plots of the episode reveal that Eric witnessed…
The new film by Gabriele Salvatores called The Return of Casanova opened the evening showings at the Petruzzelli Theater in Bari, place of honor at Bif & St. The director…
Two years after its debut, the highly anticipated second season of Dark and bone, finally streamed to Netflix on March 16th. The new episodes of the series, conceived by Eric…
Again after two years in theaters – it was the last title comedians – Gabriel Salvatores with Casanova’s return. In some ways the homage to Fellini is immediate, but the…
Vera lives in the shadow of her famous father. Tired of her superficial life and connections, she ends up in vain in Roman high society. One day after he was…
Nicole Kidman decided to revolutionize her look (again), going back to basics and opting for a curly and rebellious hairstyle. Divine simplicity! Nicole Kidman is one of the most popular…
For anyone who grew up playing video games in the ’90s, vampire It is without a doubt one of the most important perks. It was released in 1996 on PlayStation….
On the latest episode of his Hot Mic podcast, well-known insider Jeff Schneider shared a wrist-shaking update on “Film criticwhich was announced just a few days ago as The tenth…
According to what was reported by some sources, some initial details of the duration OppenheimerThe expected new movie Christopher Nolan in theaters in 21 July. This duration, while it may…
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