Noli Russo’s reply to Sabatino
Vercelli (15.09.2022 – 19.24) – The fight continues between the sports advisor Memo Sabatino and its predecessor, Carlo Noli Russo. A dispute arose due to the question posed by the PD councilors regarding the sports afternoon that took place in Vercelli last Sunday, September 11.
An event, according to Nulli Rosso, the first site on the question, had many gray areas: from insecurity to companies not invited to the organization, which he said was flawed. Commissioner Sabatino replied a few hours after the document was sent to the editorial offices. Not to us, but to some major local news sites. A mind-boggling answer is the Commissioner’s “Beloved by the people of Vercelli,” as he paraphrased a popular commercial from the 1980s.
Sabatino stressed that it is not a sports festival, but a “sports in the field” festival and how “the municipality only gave sponsorship. The organization was run by Coni.” The commissioner added, regarding not inviting some sports reality in the city, that “it is possible that some clubs You did not receive the e-mail” when an organizational meeting was held in the municipality. (But if the municipality didn’t organize the event, why would a town hall meeting take place?) “A lot of them were on vacation.”
Sabatino, perhaps touching on the gist of the matter, also mocked Noli Russo, saying that he “personally did not even organize an oratory darts tournament”. The question, according to Sabatino, “appears to be made by people who don’t like Vercelli and don’t like sports.” Then notice the sports consultant, if no one notices (But selfies should be very explanatory)his attachment to the city, his daily commitment and his utmost cooperation with anyone (However, with us, dear consultant, the availability has not appeared for some time …).
Today, Thursday, September 15th, Noli Russo wanted to respond to Sabatino’s statements through our pages. « I have repeatedly read a set of sticky and mobile considerations of ‘Sports Adviser(?)’, a wonderful product of the junta’s ‘Nothing’. Of course it could not be something different” – wrote Nolli Russo – “were it not for the fact that he held a high-ranking administrative position in charge of the sport, it would have been a tenderness though not at all directed towards institutional tasks, but now it is clear that the introduction of personalities of the type In a council, with important tasks, meant not to give the slightest weight to the interest of the city. Specifically, this city no longer witnessed the usual sports festival for more than three years, which is a very important event in this historical period, as the post-pandemic period wiped out many activities and brought many activities into crisis. Nothing has been from a councilman in three years, and therefore, the organization of an art sports party to promote the turbulent sporting activities in the city, was not only useful, but indispensable.”
Noli Russo continues his response: “The commissioner says he did not organize the unlikely event on Sunday, as if he had to get rid of a responsibility that was not his, as if he could anchor himself forever behind epidemics. He wants to blame his mistakes on others, those who brazenly have no idea what the functions of a counselor are. But I am not satisfied, he continues to stress that he warned all sports activities in the city in a timely manner, which indicates that he is not fully aware of what the Vercelli sports federations are.”
Sabatino’s predecessor adds: “We are not interested in personal attacks, we are interested in what is best for Vercelli, so when the commissioner confirms that the undersigned have never organized anything, and that the traditional sports festival was only organized by Confesercenti, he once again makes it clear that he did not speak with Confesercenti Or even less with sports clubs, where everyone had clarified the meaning of the unity of the organization, an aspect that is still hidden in the department ».
Finally, the scathing conclusion: “In human terms, the counselor appears sympathetic, but today we need a trained, capable, and organized counselor. Leave room, if you really like Vercelle, for some members of the Majority Council. There are certainly some who are well prepared for the task.”
In short, the Selfie Commissioner, the person most loved by the Vercelli people, according to Nulli Rosso, must leave and go back to being a merchant. This is, in short, the speech of the minority counselor in PD. Right or wrong, a very difficult argument, destined to persist with time.
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