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Over the course of a couple of years, a Canadian woman in her mid-fifties proclaimed herself the “Queen of the Kingdom of Canada,” claiming sovereignty over the country’s territory, and began publishing a series of indiscretions.Government orders”, including the annulment of the debt of all citizens and the death penalty for anyone who violates it. Little is known about the self-styled queen Romana Titulo: however, she is known to support QAnon, the most widespread far-right conspiracy theory in America, and her vast influence, as do thousands of her followers. starts causing damage to worry Canadian authorities.
Ditulo has about 70,000 followers on her Telegram channel, where she addresses herself as “Queen of Canada”, “Head of State and Government” and “Commander in Chief”, as well as “President of the Kingdom of Canada and National Native Leader”.
His site He says he comes from a privileged family in the Philippines (“the modern equivalent of royalty”) and immigrated to Canada in 1990, when he was 15, after the death of both parents. In 2006 he opened a consulting firm aimed at solving the problem of workforce shortages in the energy sector, while in 2021 he founded his own Party of Canada with a nationalist orientation, promising to end the “slavery” of Canadians (parts of the page are incomplete and various “Lorem Ipsum”, The most popular filler text is in those that are placed somewhere to replace them).
Titulo was relatively unknown until recently, but in recent months he has started to gain popularity, mainly thanks to his speeches and videos shared on his channel. Network lightIn it he quotes or reworks some of QAnon’s best-known conspiracy theories and calls on his followers to reject the authorities, even violently.
In mid-August, four of her followers were arrested in Peterborough, Ontario, for attempting to arrest some police: they had been instigated by her, although she had fled in a traveling camper at the time of the arrest. to Canada with some collaborators to meet their supporters.
According to Edwin Hodge, an expert on radicalization and extremist ideologies at the University of Victoria, it is possible that Titulo would not have had such huge support twenty years ago as he does now. Thanks to social mediaThere he propagates his ideas and his “orders”.
Among other things, Ditullo claims that the death sentence of Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom for crimes against humanity was carried out in 2021 and that Canada has a network of secret tunnels used for child trafficking and sexual exploitation. Last November, he also encouraged his supporters to oppose restrictions imposed to curb the spread of the coronavirus, such as ordering the “shooting with intent to kill” anyone who gave an “experimental vaccine” to people under the age of 19.
He also says that Titulus exists Supernatural powers and can become invisible or take any physical form she so desires, since it is not from Earth, but from a highly advanced alien race; It will also be tasked with finding a peace deal for the war in Ukraine by mediating between the US and Russia. During a meeting with some supporters in Quebec, Titus, who often refers to himself in the third person singular, announced himself. Queen of the world“The only obvious leader on this planet is the Roman queen, period,” he said.
Romana Ditulo issued a decree instructing her followers to stop paying their utility bills
Romano Titulo: issues a decree ordering the army to be deployed to restore all utilities pic.twitter.com/ctHdPTaXXb
– Dr. Christine Sarteschi, LCSW (@DrSarteschi) May 24, 2022
A message from Dedullus encouraging his followers to follow his “royal order” and not pay bills, while ordering all “departments/ministries” to use military forces to restore utilities in storm-ravaged Ontario cities and Quebec.
Summarize in an essay Conversation Christine Sardesi, Professor of Social Studies and Criminology at Chatham University, It will be easy A character like Tidulus is to be taken lightly, although he is “not a benign figure”. Alex Mendela, an analyst at the Athletic Group, an organization that deals with disinformation, called him “one of the most influential people”. Very dangerous In QAnon movement, if not very dangerous ».
In addition to inciting his followers to violent behavior, last May, for example, Titulo announced his “orders“Accordingly all household utilities were free, payment of taxes optional and all debts (including mortgages) canceled, with the result that her followers sometimes found themselves without heat or electricity.
Curt Phillips is the founder of the Canadian Anti-Hate Network – a non-profit organization that conducts research and campaigns against hate speech. Get rid of it, what won’t do.” she says Arrest Last November, he was accused of encouraging his supporters to shoot health workers administering coronavirus vaccine and was released after undergoing a psychiatric examination with no complaints. In the following months, it began to have a somewhat more discreet online presence, noted Guardian.
Carmen Celestini, a disinformation researcher at Simon Fraser University, said Ditulo appears to be mixing a “very religious message” with various conspiracy theories and groups such as the Canadian truckers’ protest movement known as the Freedom Convoy. Last February, the corona virus created major problems in the nation’s capital, Ottawa. “In a way,” Celestini said, “he’s almost become a religious figure to his supporters. He’s charismatic and has created his own movement.
According to Celestini, Ditulo is taking advantage of the fact that many of his supporters are “scared” and have “complete and utter distrust of Canadian institutions.” Documents seen Supplementary messages Within months he was able to raise $140,000 in donations.
– read more: “QAnon”, the most prevalent conspiracy theory in American politics
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