From a reporter in Beijing Federico Fiorito
Switzerland is preparing for the third place final of the Olympic women’s hockey tournament with great confidence. Compared to unrivaled Canada in the final, Rossocrociat came out of the snow with their head held high, scoring a respectable 10-3, and above all the North Americans all goals. Played so far.
After a tense start, already 5-0 in the 11th minute and three goals in the lap of 53 “this led to M முller replacing Friendly at 9’21”, the Swiss national team found a way to sting. Canadians thanks Stalter and Mல்லller, you reached the goal during the break. However, a new acceleration from Poulin and his teammates brought the score to 5 in the lap of 11 at 29, and our captain’s second goal did not change the situation, closing the formation period from the maple leaf at 8-3. The score was set with a goal in the last two minutes of the match after Canada’s immense coercion, with Finland vying for the bronze against Rosocrosiat, surprisingly beaten 4-1 by the United States in the semifinals.
Service with Nicole Valerio (Reid Uno Sport 14.02.2022, 07h30)
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