in starfield It will not be done sex, although theoretically in space, no one can hear us scream, to quote the righteous alien. Unlike the last generation of RPGs, such as Cyberpunk 2077, here it seems that there will be no sexual exchange between the characters, to the delight of some and the annoyance of others.
The lack of sex in Starfield emerged from the game’s Australian rating and is certainly the element that causes the most discussion, much more so than drug use, indicated as high. After all, we’re all so used to characters who enhance themselves with the use of drugs.
The table published by the Australian Classification Authority indicates that the effect of having sex would be practically nil. Which means they won’t be there candid scenes. The effect of nudity will also be small, but something will still be there. Lots of drugs, crime galore but no physical love.
In fact, Bethesda has always been very moderate in its games. Even those who have relationships in theory, these are always subtle in some way and the act is never done. However, many hoped that with the new titles the trend would change, to have more realism also from this point of view, in order to make them somehow more adult.
And you? What do you think about the lack of sex in Starfield?
As you are guessing, remember that on June 11, 2023, Starfield will be presented again with a dedicated event, while on September 6, 2023 we will finally be able to play it.
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