You listen to prime time TV
Competition on Rai 1 Belgium – Canada Recorded 5,095,000 net viewers, 24% share and followers World Cup Club 1,736,000, 9.7%, in Channel 5 Jelik Net ,000 visitors, % share registration. On Roy 3 Who saw it? It received 000 viewers in the presentation, share% and 2,107,000 in the program, 12.9%. Italy 1 picture A clash of giants The net recorded 790,000 viewers, a 4.3% share. Roy 2 movie A pearl of ruby received 1,135,000 viewers, a 5.9% share. on Network 4 upstream The net recorded 687,000 viewers, a 4.9% share, at La7 Atlantis received 309,000 viewers, a 2.6% share. on TV8 The X Factor 2022 recorded 362,000 viewers, a 2.4% share. Picture of nine Away from the dream It was watched by 471,000 viewers, a 2.4% share.
You’re asking TV Access Prime Time
In access Remove messages Canale 5 had 3,980,000 viewers, an 18.3% share. On Roy 2 Post Tg2 Roy 3 got 933,000 viewers, a 4.3% share Bubbles 1,424,000 raised, 7.1% and to follow Via Dee Mati N.0 1.189.000, 5.7%, Horse and Rook 1,518,000, 7%, So A place in the sun It was 1,817,000, 8.3%. An extension of NCIS In Italia 1 it recorded 1,226,000 viewers, a 5.6% share. Italy tonight On Rete 4 it received 945,000 viewers in the first episode, a 4.4% share, and 991,000, a 4.5% share in the second episode. In A7 Eight and a half Tv8 recorded 1,800,000 viewers, an 8.2% share 100% Italian 517,000 viewers, a 2.4% share and a ninth Don’t forget the lyrics recorded 692,000 viewers, a 3.2% share.
Ask early in the morning
early in the morning Legacy World Challenge (from 18.10) registered 3,041,000 viewers on Rai 1, a 20.5% share, while on Canale 5 Fall by itself without hindrance Registered in the department The challenge begins 2,407,000 viewers, 15.7% share and 3,603,000 net in-game, 20.8%. On Roy 2 FBI Net 1,143,000, 5.7%, in Italia 1 CSI extension received 689,000 viewers, a 2.6% share. Storm of love On Rete 4 it gathered 766,000 viewers, a 3.7% share, on La7. Lingo – playing words 253,000 registered, 1.5%.
daytime (morning)
On Roy 1 Tg1 morning 569,000 total viewers, share 12.54% A morning 757,000 registered, 16.62%; The following Italian stories 731,000, 16.87% and 892,000, 15.91%; It’s always afternoon He received 1,614,000, 16%. On Roy 2 Morocco-Croatia recorded a net 1,332,000 viewers, a 17.34% share; In Roy 3 Agora 340,000 in the presentation, 6.55%, 340,000 in the program, 7.09%, and 227,000, 5.26% in the additional category, while Elixir 256.000, 4.42%; After Tg3 So many stories 653,000 got, 5.67% and past and present 573,000, 4.54%. on Channel 5 Five am news 1,011,000 viewers, a 21.34% share, and 866,000, 20.05%, with Forums 1,486,000, 19.52%. 1 in Italy Law & Order: Special Victims Unit It recorded 164,000 viewers, a 2.69% share and on Rete 4 Saint 110,000 viewers for Tg4, 1.94% share and after Tg Secret 133,000 got, 1.31% and Western lady 337,000, 2.74%. Got it with the A7 Omnibus 203,000 viewers, a 4.41% share, 123,000 in the news segment, 3.63% in the discussion segment and 210,000, 4.27%; So Coffee break 206,000, 4.72% e blowing wind 249,000, 4.25% e It’s windy today 403,000, 3.89%.
Daytime (afternoon)
On Roy 1 Today is another day + 1,501,000 in presentation, 11.91%, and 1,540,000 in plan, 13.82%; A women’s paradise 1,861,000 registered, 19.56%; Short life 2,514,000, 20.94%, %. On Roy 2 Germany-Japan recorded a net 2,230,000 viewers, a 19.30% share; Spain-Costa Rica 2,407,000 net, 19%. On Roy 3 Waiting for Jio 822,000 received, 6.49%, Geo 1,239,000, 8.74%. on Channel 5 beauty recorded 2,514,000 viewers, a 20.02% share, Bitter Land 2,429,000, 19.32%, Men and women 2,768,000, 25.04%; Friends of Maria de Philippi 1,944,000, 20.57%; GF VP 1,831,000, 19.11%; Another one tomorrow 1,538,000, 14.84%; Five in the afternoon Presentation had 1,497,000, 13.19%, Program had 1,960,000, % and Section I Greetings had 2,130,000, 14.81%. The first D in episodes in Italia 1 The Simpsons Recorded 420,000 viewers, 3.32% mentally ill 290,000, 2.41%. on Network 4 Forum table netted 722,000 viewers, a 6.01% share; to follow Tg4 – Diary of the Day 329,000, 3.36%, and Fig Strange bedrooms Net 438,000, 3.63%. In A7 Takata The presentation drew 334,000 viewers and a 2.68% share, 352,000 and 3.40% of the show. Tagadà attention 302,000, 3.15%. Royals 151,000, 1.40%.
Listen to second evening TV
Rai 1 in the evening House to house recorded 480,000 viewers, a 9.35% share. On Roy 2 animals recorded 620,000 viewers, a 4.60% share and Animal worship 438,000, 5.18%. On Roy 3 Tg3 Linenight 565,000, 8.94%. Italy 1 picture Time Machine 300,000, 4.29%.
You listen to TV DG
- Tg1 1.30 pm 3,202,000, 25.32%; 19:20 3,681,000, 20.94%.
- Tg2 13:00 2,134,000, 17.71%; 20:30 1,464,000, 6.80%.
- Tg3 2.30 pm 1,287,000, 10.32%; 19:00 2,236,000, 13.43%.
- Tg5 at 13:00 2,951,000, 24.32%; 20:00 4,551,000, 22.10%.
- Open Studio 12:25 p.m 972,000, 9.42%; 18:30 534,000, 3.63%.
- Tg4 12.00 p.m 231,000, 2.95%; 18:55 799,000, 4.71%.
- Tg La7 1.30 pm. 566,000, 4.48%; 20:00 1,343,000, 6.52%.
AUDITELâ„¢ data
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