A meeting is scheduled for the next few hours between Claudio Lotito and Changpeng Zhao, CEO and founder of Binance. Here’s what we’re going to talk about.
A meeting to talk to each other, to shake hands and to discuss Binance and Lazio. Despite the hectic schedule that he shares on this trip to Italy and Rome, Changpeng Zhao, founder and CEO of the cryptocurrency platform, wanted to find the place and time to meet Claudio Lotito. The meeting will take place on Thursday, an opportunity to talk about the progress of the partnership between Lazio and Binance that brings so much consensus to both parties, an agreement that was formally reached last October and expires in 2023, with the option to extend the agreement until 2024. Relations between the two countries are excellent, It is clear that the atmosphere will be calm and friendly. CZ – as Zhao usually calls it – has been in Rome for 48 hours, work commitments and even some time to enjoy the beauty of the city and the passion of Lazio fans that is evident on social media.
CZ AND LOVE FOR LAZIO – Overwhelming emotion, do not hide the hope that Czechoslovakia will intervene to buy the club. A few days ago, after Luis Alberto’s goal against Sampdoria, Zhao responded to Lazio’s tweet announcing the goal with an emoji representing two stunned eyes. A gesture that excited the imagination of the masses, who flooded him with messages of a unique character: “Czechoslovakia, buy Lazio!”. Chinese-Canadian billionairewith a colossal fortune (more than $60 billion), which Bloomberg claims is the 99th richest man in the world, while Forbes is the second man on the planet who made the biggest profit last yearAnd He is really passionate about biancocelesti colors, he follows the matches on TV and gets information through the web and social networks. He is very active on social media and has been impressed and pleased with the countless messages he has received in recent days. When one of his co-workers pointed him out, an amused CZ replied with a smile. He noted the passion and love of Biancocelesti fans, which is also good for the future of the partnership between Lazio and Binance. On Thursday, the meeting between Zhao and Lotito was on the agenda, we will talk about business and perhaps also about the love that surrounds the oldest club in the capital.
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