Monday, March 17, 2025

Woody Allen announces his next (and possibly last) movie

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It will be filmed in France, with French actors, in September. Let’s unite all Allenians from around the world and prepare to wait with joy for what will be the 50th directorial film of this inimitable genius.

We were worried. Many. The sermons that have appeared recently, frustration and disappointment, have bothered us. But luckily, it was partly expected by chatting on Instagram (!) with Alec Baldwinone of the few who did not succumb to the foolishness of the moment and did not deny it, that’s all Woody Allen Announce what will be His next movie as a director. The fiftieth anniversary of his extraordinary career, and perhaps, unfortunately, the last.
Speaking to a French newspaper “Le Journal du Dimanche”, aline He announced that in September, in France, in Paris, his fiftieth film was shot, which received American money but will get It was filmed entirely in France, with French actors and in French. As for who these actors are, Allen has remained muted.
According to what was announced alinewhat he will direct is a movie that has been postponed for two years due to COVID, and He described the story as “similar to a story rendezvous point: a kind of toxic love and excitement.”
We can’t wait.
In the same interview, aline He said he understands people who prefer “the comfort of their couch” to movie theaters: “Can we blame them?” “We can resist, but at some point we won’t be able to fight anymore. And when that happens, I’ll write for the theater.” Referring to the fact that it has been difficult for him to find US funding lately, Allen commented: “I am a writer and no one will be able to prevent me from writing, and therefore from working. This is the guarantee of my freedom and independence.”
Hopefully here, even if this is the last movie he directed Woody AllenMay his writing continue to bless us from the stages, from the pages of books or wherever you can go to make our lives richer and better.

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Wynne Castillo
Wynne Castillo
"Lifelong beer expert. General travel enthusiast. Social media buff. Zombie maven. Communicator."
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