Do ATMs go in the direction of goodbyes? The answer is related to the new technologies that are developing and the fight against tax evasion.
Some branches of credit institutions have already canceled ATMs and other banks are preparing to do so. Let’s find out what this change depends on which we will have to get used to.

there fight criticism It wasn’t a mystery for long. to say Tax evasionAs well as money laundering and terrorist financing, the government is gradually banning and discouraging cash from using it. Access to rewards requires, for example, the payment of eligible expenses as a prerequisite Through the payment methods that can be tracked Such as credit cards, bank transfers and checks. Exhibitors, then, “encourage” the preference Use point of sale for cash New directions and facilities. Also, the cash payment limit Reduced to €999.99 Since January 1, 2022. Less cash means fewer withdrawals, and therefore less ATM usage. Will it be goodbye to the ATM?
ATMs ready to disappear?
Utilization Credit, Debit and Debit Cards It is encouraged by the government as it is part of the famous traceable payment methods which are very popular with the tax authorities. Plus the ability to track and transfer money Taxable and increasing the non-monetary target promoted by Italian politics.
However, the limited use of cash pays off quite a bit Useless The presence of an ATM. The only current task is Allow withdrawals Given that any other operation, even one that replaces cash, can be easily carried out by electronic means by access, for example, To the banking homepage your bank. To make a conversion, just a few clicks in the appropriate section; To pay an invoice, simply frame it as well as a simple QR code that will allow you to make payments Baju in the reti system. The inevitable result will be the gradual disappearance of ATMs as we know them.
What do you expect from the future
The number of ATMs in Italy It’s decreasing more and more. Some lenders – like ji direct – They not only removed branches, but also removed branches to dedicate themselves exclusively to online services Simpler to manage and less expensive. Other banks can opt for this radical solution and adapt to the innovations brought by the technology already in place in the so-called “Modern” banks like N26.
In fact, we are still far from imagining a world without ATMs. There will definitely be important news like Cashing in pharmacies But we will all still be able to use coins and banknotes to pay for goods and services for a long time.