WhatsApp is the most popular messaging service in the world, capable of connecting billions of people around the world quickly and easily. Each of its updates is greeted with great transmission by its loyal user community. The new update is long overdue and it seems that WhatsApp borrowed the idea from its competitor Telegram.
WhatsApp updates again
The age of the Internet has been marked by an extension Speed changein many areas of humanity. What has become perhaps more tangible than anything else is the sphere of interpersonal communication. Communication is the human activity par excellence. Man has always been looking for new ways to communicate, making processes faster and more accurate.
in this meaningInternet was a blessing.
Thanks to the spread of network services all over the world, new ways of communication have emerged based on infrastructures such as social networks. FacebookDesigned by Mark ZuckerbergThe slogan represents this change, of course. Indeed, from the very beginning, the service suggested itself as virtual square To exchange ideas and opinions with friends and relatives near and far.
However, speed communication, composed above all of text messages, is made more effective by another service: WhatsApp.
WhatsApp was born a year after Facebook, in 2009. While Facebook emerged as an aggregator of people, WhatsApp immediately seemed to have a different soul. The service, which was created by two former employees of the IT company Hey ho In fact, he seems to want the show substitute To the only existing way at the time to send text messages: short message.
The novelty of WhatsApp, compared to SMS, has been It’s completely free. While SMS had a variable cost, depending on the phone operator examined, WhatsApp only needed a smartphone and Internet connectionto allow any user to write as many messages as they wish, with no length limit.
However, WhatsApp, like all great inventions, appeared instantly fierce competition. Other services have tried to cover areas of communication that WhatsApp alone could not embrace. The turning point came in 2014, when WhatsApp was acquired by WhatsApp Meta Business Group.
From that moment on, WhatsApp began designing and releasing updates upon updates that revolutionized the face of the app, making it move from a simple instant messaging service to a real one. nerve communication center, Whatever method is used to communicate.
And so it is served Voice calls and video calls, which makes WhatsApp more like a video conferencing app; The ability to send Voice notes Allows processing, in cases where you want to leave a message for someone but you can’t do it by typing characters on the keyboard; sending phtos (also in high quality), video for a long time , attached And emoji It allowed the development of semi-verbal communication.
On the other hand , Competing services like Telegram, they did not sit idly by and started suggesting new things that WhatsApp had to go after this time around. Let’s take an example newsletters WhatsApp which seems to be closely following Telegram ‘channels’.
Today we are just talking about The novelty of WhatsAppBorrowed from Telegram.
WhatsApp allows you to edit sent messages
Grandma was already in the air.
In fact, for several weeks already, there have been rumors of one on the net possible introduction This novelty but until today everything has remained in the context of rumors. However, something seems to be moving and the rumors are catching on something more.
to detect the latest update WhatsApp Beta update for iOS users. This update has in fact provided the functionality, although at the moment it is only being tested for a small group of users, from Edit text messages after sending them.
This function will already be known to each of the users cable, Both Apple users who rely on iMessage for their chats. However, WhatsApp users felt the need for this feature and now, let’s see how it works, from what we know so far.
Works to edit sent messages, it should be very simple And intuitive to use. Once you send a message and realize that you wrote something wrong or omitted some information, you can avoid sending a second message to correct the error.
It will be enough for you Press and hold on the message and select “Edit” From the drop down menu that will open. The message will then return to your text box and you can make all the changes you want, including explicitly canceling it.
However, you must be quick to notice No typos.
The WhatsApp function will allow changes to be made to the messages sent, Within a maximum of 15 minutes of submission. While not everyone is welcome with this detail, it appears that WhatsApp’s intent is to keep the The purest conversations Possible, without seeing them again after a while, distorting their meaning.
Also, unlike iMessage, you won’t be able to view it History of changes. All that will allow you to perceive the change in the message will be a small plate in the message box with writing “an average”.
Finally, this function will allow, at least for the time being, to modify Text messages only, without being able to touch the descriptions and captions for photos, videos, and documents. For those, you still have to be careful for now.
We do not know when everyone will be able to take advantage of this very useful function provided by WhatsApp. Sure, knowing he exists is a comfort in itself. However, since the function is already active for beta usersKnowing the times of WhatsApp, we will all be able to enjoy it in a few weeks. To stay informed, keep following Player. it.