Impostor syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which a person is unable to attribute their accomplishments to their own qualities, abilities and efforts, but attributes their success to external factors. If you are interested in learning more about Imposter syndrome or discovering something fun like Cookie Casino, keep reading!
The “Impostor Phenomenon” was first described in a 1978 paper by Pauline Clance and Suzanne Eames, titled “The Impostor Syndrome.” According to their findings, many women felt that society underestimated their talents. Psychologists stopped classifying impostor syndrome as an inherent personality trait and recognized it as a response to specific situations and stimuli in the early 2000s. In addition, women no longer had exclusive access to this affliction.
Today, despite the fact that impostor syndrome is not considered a mental disorder, psychologists fight it just as hard as they do with narcissism or repressed aggression.
- You constantly compare yourself to others and feel inferior.
- You attribute your achievements to good fortune or happy circumstances.
- You don’t notice the small victories. (“If you love, you love the queen; if you lose, you lose a million.”)
- Subconsciously you are prepared for failure all the time, and when it happens, you think it is the most logical and probable of outcomes.
- Your own mistakes you perceive not as a stage of development, but as a global collapse, and then for a long time, you slip into self-injury.
- You have difficulty evaluating your work in monetary terms, you underestimate yourself and feel guilty when you get more than you bargained for.
Albert Einstein was unable to take credit for his accomplishments. “The respect with which my life’s work is surrounded makes me feel out of place. I unwittingly feel like a fraud,” he said.
How To Get Rid of It?
See a therapist first, then there will always be a plethora of independent work that can help you tighten the wobbly nuts of self-esteem.
Here’s what you can do:
- Write a list of your achievements. Big and small. From birth to today. Print it out and hang it in a prominent place. Some sages considered dissatisfaction with oneself a distorted form of pride and therefore carried two lists with them in order to cope with the sin. One pocket held a list of merits, which one pulled out when scolding oneself, and the other held a list of qualities that one should work on in order not to become conceited.
- Praise yourself. Try telling your success story on social media and praising yourself from the heart. Not for commentary’s sake. Or at least tell your kids over dinner.
- List your accomplishments for the day. Before you go to bed, when you brush your teeth, or when you stand in the shower. Even the smallest ones, like going for a walk or turning in your report on time. Thank yourself for your courage, punctuality, and kindness.
- Keep in mind that your failures are just stepping stones on the road to success, rather than the end of the world. Thomas Edison once said, “I did not suffer defeat. I simply discovered 10,000 methods that didn’t work.” Occasionally, a blunder is a bifurcation point at which we may switch the channel in the proper direction. Thank yourself for failing and apologize if need be.
- Finally, find a role model to emulate. Find someone who inspires you and use their example as a guide for your life. They say that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, so use it to bolster your own confidence and self-esteem! With time, you may even start to find your own voice in this world. Good luck!