The number of potential beneficiaries of the Social Bonus, the subsidy measure introduced by the government to temper electricity and gas tariff increases, is growing in number. The new energy decree has in fact raised the threshold for ISEE to be able to apply for the contribution. Let’s see all the latest news.
The new has been officially approved Energy Decreeaims to provide more Helping families and companies to combat high electricity and gas prices.
One of the main measures to save 4.4 billion euros isSocial Reward Extension To more than a million families, thanksraise the threshold of ISEE.
Let’s see in the next article what is the latest news on this topic.
Energy Decree: The audience for social reward is growing
at Energy Decree Just launched there is important news about social rewardthe contribution aims to support Italian families in paying Electricity and gas bills.
Read also: Social reward: what it is and how to get it
This procedure, in detail, opens the procedure to more than 5 million families, thanks toraise the threshold of ISEE To reach the bonus you pass From 8625 to 12,000 euros For the period from 1 April to 31 December 2022.
As stated in the conference before Mario Draghiis a social measure to reduce the impact on families in economic distress:
In contrast to previous measures, most of today’s interventions are not financed from the general budget, but through Companies in the energy sector. We tax a portion of the excess profits that producers make thanks to higher raw material costs, and redistribute that money to businesses and families in need.
Social Reward 2022: How to get it
In addition to complying with the requirements associated with ISEE, to access the social reward, families must comply with another reward condition: Must be a family member owner of supply contract Electricity, gas and/or water with a tariff for domestic and active use or active condominium gas use and/or water supply.
Every citizen can see the progress of his practice by contacting the reserved section “Check your profile onlineOn the website of