In our area private policyWe provide you with more information about how we use your data. Find out more.” This call was received by millions of European users from The WhatsApp. Starting from February 18, the notification appeared on the first use of the application: the majority of users will simply ignore the message, not considering it important, but in fact this message has a specific weight that cannot be neglected.
This contact is actually the direct result of the official message received from Mark Zuckerberg In it, Belgium’s European Commissioner for Justice Didier Reynders asked for clarification on how European users’ data is shared with trading partners, especially Americans. In short, behind the message that appears in recent days for those who use WhatsApp, there is a very serious problem, the tug of war between the European Union and Meta, the company that runs Zuckerberg’s instant messaging apps.
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Among the precedents for this clash are the suspension of already the record fine of 225 million from the European Union for breaching privacy laws and the reaction of Meta that threatened the possibility of withdrawing WhatsApp, Facebook and Instagram from Europe. That obviously won’t happen, given that there’s an important slice of Meta turnover at stake.