Monday, March 17, 2025

Wednesday program of the Genoa Science Festival

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The 19th edition of the Genoa Science Festival continues on Wednesday 27 October, an event with a hybrid format that aims to get back together and experience science firsthand, with an important program and a renewed online schedule. On the seventh day of the festival, nine conferences, a special event, two appointments for “Scholars in Schools” and a show: Ale’s Adventures in Nature (10 am), In School with Nuvolario (10 am) The great European map Niccol Paganini, first artist to tour In History Music (10 a.m.), Discover Teledermatology (2.30 p.m. and 3.30 p.m.), The Science and Knowledge of Art (3 p.m.) Mapping Dolphins and Whales (5 p.m.), The Itinerarium di Petrarca: A Haptic Trail (5.30 p.m.), Nine Physics (5.30pm), Neanderthal knowledge (6.00pm), 10 cents sickness (6.00pm), “living” material from bacteria and fungi (6.00pm), Nuvolario (6pm) The universe is tidy (7pm) .

In addition to the program of conferences and special events, face-to-face and online, 17 exhibitions and 42 open workshops, the times of which are available at Vacuum, inertia, atom, mass: what do these terms really mean? Alessandro Bettini, Professor of Physics at the University of Padua and experimental researcher in elementary particle physics, explains this at 5:30 pm, in the University of Genoa Library (also on broadcast), in the lecture Magistralis Nine Words in Physics. Together with Giorgio Manzi, professor of anthropology at Sapienza University in Rome, archaeologist and author Rebecca and Raj Sykes, we go instead to discover species that are often underestimated, at the Neanderthal Identification Conference at 6 p.m. in the Sala delle Major Consiglio of Palazzo Ducale (also live broadcast).

With Saverio Russo, former Professor of Industrial Chemistry at the University of Genoa, we talk about using bacteria and fungi to create biomaterials for construction, such as cement and bricks, with “living” conference materials from bacteria and fungi, at 6 pm at Sala delle Grida in Palazzo della Borsa (also in live broadcast). At 6 p.m. at Mog, Sarah Zampello, who designs interventions to teach reading and creates storytelling workshops in schools and libraries, and illustrator Susie Zanella invite you to look at the sky with new eyes at Nuvolario. Together with Guido Gnone, Scientific Coordinator of the Genoa Aquarium, we discover whales in the Mediterranean with a 5pm dolphin and whale mapping meeting in the Genoa Aquarium organized by the Amici dell’Acquario Association. Appointments continue with cafes and scientific shows. Scientific Coffee Tracks 10 Cent’s Disease With Agnese Collino, the Umberto Veronesi Foundation’s Scientific Supervisor at 6 p.m. (Ostello bello), the stages of polio control and the innovations they brought about are still relevant.

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In the Teatro della Tosse (Dino Campana room), at 7 pm, the universe is a mattress from the Compagnia del Sole, where Time itself tells the story of time, Cronus: the first emperor of the universe and then after his defeat by his son Zeus, who ends up becoming more and more on the sidelines. For a Man Maps course from the University of Genoa: Science and Knowledge of Art (3pm) with Sandro Baroni, Paolo Bensi, Giorgio Ponsante, Maria Clelia Galassi and Elena Parma, and Petrarca’s Itinerarium: A Concrete Path (5.30pm) with Stefano Mantero, Alessandro Meloni and Stefano Petaluga. Scientists in schools also continue Ale’s adventures in nature at 10 am (Istituto Comprensivo Centro Storico) with Daniele Zuffi, one of the leading experts on forestry and wildlife, to make children discover the importance of protecting nature while at the Don Bosco Institute in Samperdarina, it’s Sarah’s turn Zampello and Susie Zanella with A scuola con Nuvolario (10 a.m.).

As part of the Paganini Genova Festival in the Great European Map by Niccol Paganini, the first artist to tour in the history of music, Clarissa Piscardi leads the discovery of the character, value and artistic legacy of the great Genoa musician (10 a.m., Bibliotheca Alexandrina). At 2.30pm and 3.30pm at Galera Hospital, Sanja Gavour, Cesar Mason and Luigi Briano directed remote dermatology co-discoverers. In addition to the in-person program, the Science Project is shown live! Created with the support of the Compagnia di San Paolo Foundation and in cooperation with Orientamenti, it offers a fully digital schedule of 59 online activities including workshops, meetings and virtual guided tours to schools. In this way, students and their teachers can also participate directly from the classroom or from home, choosing from online laboratories (digilab), webinars, live meetings (digitalk) and virtual visits to major research institutes (digitour).

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Wynne Dinwiddie
Wynne Dinwiddie
"Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst."
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