1 minute, 10 seconds
Rise of warmer tropical currents in eastern United States reaches Canada, including states Ontario, Quebec and New Brunswick. It is a warm language that includes the northern part of the United States and is only partially reduced in the Great Lakes. The hot currents feed on a vast anticyclone stationed along its peaks on the eastern border between Canada and the United States.Reached record temperatures in the first half of May.
Quebec recorded a high of 34 degrees Celsius on FridayAt La Tuque and La Baie, 32 ° C at Miramichi in New Brunswick, and 33 ° C at various locations in Wisconsin and Illinois with similar values below the US border, 32 C in Chicago.
Exceptional # Heat Today in the East # Canada! Registration levels for the 1st half of May. # சாகுனேய் The area was hot, due to low winds.
34.0C La Baie, QC
33.8C La Tuque, QC
33.5C Lottery, QC
33.3C Pembroke, Ann
33.1C Bagotville, QC [hourly max]
32.5C Edmundston, NB pic.twitter.com/TaJUEaP7H9– Theory Goose (ThierryGooseBC) May 13, 2022
This is a paradoxical heat wave, however counting hours. From the west, in fact, a lower part is approaching, the cold wind blowing downwards from northwest Canada, which moves rapidly eastward, with A front full shower Reach the hottest areas currently by the weekend. This is expected between Ontario and Quebec Temperature drop above 10 செல் C in 48 hours, With the mercury column, returning to higher values according to that period.
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