“Value chains are very important and help protect the economy from the impact of geo-economic disruptions, and working alongside businesses and government is essential at this time and we recognize that.” This was confirmed by Barbara Beltrame Giacomello, Head of the Trade and Investment Task Force for the B20 Group, speaking at the “Future Forward: Italy and the Future of Trade” event, organized by The Economist with the support of Philip Morris International.
“We know that most international trade and investment take place within global value chains” and that “the Italian system is based on transformation,” Beltrame noted. “The G-20 told us when we left our paper: We want to improve global value chains, access them and increase opportunities that transcend national borders,” said the Chair of the Task Force on Trade and Investment in her speech.
“Thanks to global value chains during the pandemic, production and trade of personal protective equipment has been able to increase tenfold, despite enormous organizational difficulties and a lack of machinery and distribution.”
“Italy is an economic model based on exports and it is also natural that our entrepreneurs look at international markets very carefully. We are aware that trade and investments are the main driver of sustainable development, and therefore it is not the problem but rather an integral part of the recovery that must necessarily be based on a recovery Global Trade and Investment. It is the image identified by Barbara Beltram Giacomelo. But he noted that these operations “must be governed by clear rules and respected above all by everyone” and “there are measures to be taken such as” increasing funds and simplifying trade finance”.
“Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst.”