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Urban war in the town square…

Urban war in the town square…

Viterbo – Shooting of Omen, Disney horror continues – this morning behind the scenes of clashes between police and protesters – PHOTOS

by Daniel Camille

Viterbo - Filming a Disney movie in the town square

Filming a Disney movie in the town square

Viterbo Urban war in Viterbo. In the town square this morning. It’s filming for Omen, The Omen – Disney Horror, directed by Arkasha Stevenson – in progress in the City of the Popes from October 4-15.

Viterbo - Filming a Disney movie in the town square

Viterbo – Filming a Disney movie in the town square

in the last days The group is outside Porta San Pietro. From today until Wednesday, comes the turn of the town square, between the palaces of the captain of the people, the Priory Palace, the seat of the municipal council, and the government, where the governorate is located.

This morning’s whole set focuses on the street clashes, the urban warfare that crossed throughout the 1970s, and the historical context in which the film takes place, the streets of major Italian cities. Starting in Rome, where the Stevenson movie is set. Perhaps in 1977, when the labor and student movement became more strict, and the armed struggle left dozens of dead, and in the following year, the kidnapping and murder of the president of the Christian Democrats Aldo Moro and all his companions.

Viterbo - Filming a Disney movie in the town square

Viterbo – Filming a Disney movie in the town square

This morning, in the field, no less than a hundred extra items from the ’70s – flared pants and “long hair” – clashed with police over the sounds of bars, batons, pebbles and tear gas. In the hands of the demonstrators are banners bearing some of the slogans of the era. About trucks and express.

Viterbo - Filming a Disney movie in the town square

Viterbo – Filming a Disney movie in the town square

The movie stars a novice nun named Angelica. Among the actors, even some who have already shot for Game of Thrones. After Viterbo, who should be mentioned in the credits, filming will move to Neppi and finally to Rome.

Daniel Camille

Photo Gallery: Clashes in the town squareOmen, clapperboard in Porta San PietroThe monument in the town square

Disney photography, watch out for the ban in Piazza del Comune and nearby streets

October 10 2022


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