Some pro-government Russian profiles on Telegram gave the news of the surrender, relaying the words of the reporter sent to the front, Dmitry.
But it indicates that there is no official confirmation. According to the Telegram Readovka channel,
will be in the middle
where he will be arrested by the Russian authorities.
Video “Kalina”: “We are still here” –
Denied Thursday evening by the media in Kyiv. “Today (May 19) is the 85th day of the war. My order and I are on the territory of the Azovstal plant. There is a process underway, I will not give details of it. Thank you to the world, thank you to Ukraine . Let’s see ”, says“ Kalina ”in a short video message from Ukrainska Pravda.
The General Staff in Kyiv: the evacuation of troops from Azovstal continues –
Meanwhile, the procedure for evacuating Ukrainian troops from the Azovstal steel plant in Mariupol continues. This was stated by the Deputy Chief of the Main Operations Department of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Oleksiy Gromov. “In the direction of Mariupol, the intensity of hostilities has been reduced. Measures are being taken to evacuate our heroes,” Gromov said. In response to a question about whether the evacuation of Ukrainian troops from Azovstal to Russian-controlled territory would endanger their lives, Gromov replied that Ukraine believed that Russia’s word would remain. “We know our enemy is cunning, but we believe their word will be respected,” he said.
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