Laura Lucchetti, director and screenwriter of the film adapted from Cesar Pavez’s novel: “Beautiful Summer” in La Mandria, in Vanchiglia, in Reggio Parco, at Club Eridano, at Café Plati, at Café Elena as a tribute to the writer
Filming of “Beautiful Summer” has ended in Turin, and the cast has been revealed: Yile Yara Vianello in the Ginia part, and Deva Cassel – daughter of Monica Bellucci and Vincent Cassel – in her first appearance as the seductress Amelia. “We tried to keep the actors to ourselves as much as possible. It was like living in a bubble without any other distractions,” he says. Laura Lucchetti, director and screenwriter of the film.
“I tried to be faithful to the story, of course there are some clips that are extended and others that I allow to add,” explains the director. It’s 1938, and at sixteen Jenya finds herself struggling with her first fall in love and excitement. On the one hand, there is a young painter, and on the other hand there is a young non-conformist. “Pavez talks about freedom of thought and love. I assert that he wrote it in 1940 – continues Luchetti – and yet it is very recent. Perhaps compared to today’s teens in the book they speak and dress differently. But other than that, it’s easy to recognize.”
The shooting continued for seven weeks. In the background are the lakes of Avigliana and Carignano “and a lot of Turin – adds Paolo Manera of Film Commission – thanks to our site managers who work tirelessly to suggest public and private spaces that tell us about our area”.
Thus “La bella Estate” is in La Mandria, in the district of Vanchiglia, in Regio Parco, in Club Eridano, in Café Platti, in Café Elena as a tribute to Pavese. “Until one day I met a little pimple in the middle of the road. My editorial assistant still annoys me, she calls it a cow with water » Luchetti laughs. It is torment, one of the symbols of Turin: «I love him very much. Often backstage. In one of them it is also covered with snow. It takes place in Piazza Carlo Alberto, and the snow is thanks to the special effects »explains the director.
“From this point of view, Turin comes out on top. Once it was necessary to bring materials and logistics from other cities, especially Rome – producers Giovanni Pompelli and Luca Linani – commented. Even actors with minor roles are 100% taurine.” Then there’s Nicholas Mobas, Alessandro Biavani, Adrien DeWitt, Cosima Centurione, Gabriel Graham Gasco, Anna Pelato, and Andrea Bosca. “They are all simple and real actors. At the end of filming last night we cried » Luchetti comments. The film will premiere in cinemas by 2023 with distribution by Lucky Red and Rai Cinema.
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