Canadian Prime Minister Trudeau has won early elections and failed to secure a majority in parliament. Following a referendum formed two years ago, a new minority government is expected in the country. Gabriel Igovino, director of Ce.Si: “Attempts to strengthen the administration by early voting failed”
Andrea de Angeles – Vatican City
Canadian Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau – at Trudeau’s request – said he was ready to build after Governor-General Mary Simon won the August 15, 2021 general election for the dissolution of the House of Commons. A new government. “We are working again with a clear mandate to tackle this epidemic and we are ready to do so,” he said before his supporters gathered in Montreal. “Millions of Canadians have opted for a progressive program.
Third time for Trudeau
After the 2015 and 2019 fall wins, Trudeau gets it for the third time. However, for the second time in a row, the Liberals were outnumbered by more than 150 seats (according to CBC estimates, a definite figure is pending), while the Conservatives surpassed 120. As a result, the Trudeau-led party has to find an agreement to form a minority government again from 2013, taking into account other political forces. “Canadians must choose how to end the fight against Govt-19, how to end vaccination work and how to support the people until this crisis is over,” the prime minister announced in the election last month. These polls gave the Liberal Party a clear advantage over the Conservative parties, but yesterday’s poll had a very similar outcome to the October 2019 elections.
New challenges
What is the future for Canada in the short and medium term? Has the government strengthened since this third mandate of the Liberal leader or has it changed slightly compared to the situation of the last two years? Gabriel IgovinoCe.Si – Director of the Center for International Studies – answers these questions in an interview Vatican Radio – Vatican News.
The Canadian prime minister has won his first ballot this time around. Is the government stronger than before, as Trudeau expected?
In purely numerical terms, no, in fact it is technically a minority government. The number of seats is practically the same as in the 2019 election, so Trudeau’s attempt to use his overwhelming popularity in the election to bring more stability to his government does not appear to have succeeded. Now in parliament he must continue to speak with the Conservative Party, above all, without talking too much with the Left, and very close to certain political positions. In fact, it is another example of how governments’ attempts to go against the natural, institutional cycle can lead to benefits other than expected.
Epidemic was the central theme of this short election campaign. What are the others?
Of course the recovery after the Govt-19 crisis is central. There is also the question associated with Trudeau, with his politics losing that initial momentum. Campaigning Above all, he highlighted differences with O’Dowl’s right-wing, his main political opponent, the Green Boss, among others, who do not support vaccines like the Liberals. Since Trudeau became prime minister, Canada now has to deal with an international environment in which politics have changed significantly over the past six years, and it must ask itself whether political cooking is as appropriate for the country as it was in 2015.
What are the closest countries to Canada other than the United States, which have always been allies interested in building strong ties?
Definitely like you say we should just start from the US. Attention: Despite the White House’s change of tenant, the United States has shown its interest in the withdrawal of Afghanistan and its agreement with Australia over the past month, and has negotiated with allies, somewhat less than in the past. . This is not good for Canada. Then there is the European Union, which is an important political and economic partner with which there has been exchange for some time. We must not forget that Canada plays a key role within the G7 for balances, especially since there does not always seem to be a joint position between states. In conclusion, Trudeau’s position is not stronger than in the past, so there is a need to engage in dialogue with national and foreign nations.
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