Saturday, March 15, 2025

Today’s XXX Group A results Sicily • Highlights

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Here are the results for XXX and the final day for Group A Sicily of the Tournament of Excellence. Tomorrow deepen the relative matches of Farmers and Mazara with the column “Farmers Football Sunday”.

XXX day results

Akragas 2018- Resutana 2-0

Castildacia – Mazara Calcio 2-0

Castellammare Calcio 94 – New Gela City 3-1

Nissa FC – Unitas Siaka 5-3

Ciro and Giorgio Oratori – Leonfortese 1-0

Parmonval – Don Carlo Messelmere 0-2

Pro Favara 1984 – Ina Calcio 0-0

Mazarese – Kos Palermo 5-3


Akragas 72 points.

Ena 69 points;

Pro Favara 1984 62 points;

Don Carlo Messelmeri, 55 points.

Mazarese 53 points;

Shaka 45 points;

Mazara Calcio 43 points.

Nessa 37 points;

Castellammare, 36 points;

Casteldaccia 35 points;

Leonforties and Risutana 32 points;

Oratorio Ciro e Giorgio, 28 points;

New Gila City, 29 points;

Cus Palermo, 26 points;

Parmonval points 8.


Akragas coached by Nikola Terranova from Mazara go straight to Serie B ENA, and Pro Favara and Messelmere play the playoffs. Pro Favara and Misilmeri will face each other and the winner will face Ina.

Parmoval has already been moved to the promotion for a few weeks. Leonfortese, New City of Gela, Oratorio S. Ciro, Giorgio and Cus Palermo all play. Qualifiers: Leonforties – CUS Palermo; S. Ciro and Giorgio Oratory – New Gela City

Francesco Misabelle

Thalia Twitty
Thalia Twitty
"Alcohol enthusiast. Twitter ninja. Tv lover. Falls down a lot. Hipster-friendly coffee geek."
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