TIM has announced that new tariff increases will arrive very soon on some offers of mobile networks: let’s find out all the details
In recent days, rumors have been circulating with little reassurance for my subscribers Tim. Unfortunately, these rumors were confirmed by the same operator that announced an increase in costs on some mobile network offerings, starting with February 2022.

The brand has specified that customers will be duly informed through a SMS Campaign. These contractual changes will result in a monthly price increase of 2 euro. the TIM, However, he specifies that these innovations will concern only a portion of the offerings that are no longer even on the market. However, to partially mitigate the increase in monthly costs, the company will also ensure an increase in the data traffic cap included in the respective offerings equivalent to 20 GB more every month.
Tim: How do you exercise the right of withdrawal

Here is the message that will appear on the screens of your mobile phones:
“Modification of the contract: for needs related to the evolution of network platforms, starting with the first renewal starting from 28/2, the TIM Steel offer will cost an additional €2 per month. For you free 20G / month for one year can be activated by 28/2 at 409164. By 27 /2 You can withdraw from the contract or change the operator, without penalties or deactivation costs, keep any installments or pay the premiums in one solution: fill out the “line termination” and “right to withdraw” forms at tim.it or send them via PEC to recesso_linee_mobili @pec.telecomitalia.it or go to TIM Stores About on.tim.it/new or at 409164“.
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However, TIM has not provided any detailed list of offers subject to price hikes. However, the company clarifies that those interested can contact the operator directly. So you can always call the toll-free number 409164 and customer service 119, or access the section MyTim From the app or the web. Subscribers who decide to reject the unilateral contract modification will be able to confirm their contract right of withdrawal No fines or deactivation costs.
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However, it will be necessary for you to practice March 31, 2022. Here are all the steps to do that:
- Fill out the online form “Termination application form and self-certification of line possession” and send it to the address indicated at the same address or via PEC to the address recesso_linee_mobili@pec.telecomitalia.it, attaching a copy of the required documents
- By going to the TIM sales point
- 119