Thursday March 31 Appointment 2022 at 20:30 in the former church of Santa Maria della Misericordia (via Emilia 88), with the children of “Mato Grosso” who, in cooperation with the municipality of Castel Bolognese, organized an evening in which they present an educational project for the region and a project that falls within the objectives of the 2030 Plan.
The invitation is to businesses in the area and to all Citadel citizens.
The administration accepted this comprehensive generational proposal whereby the presence of entrepreneurs with the citizens can contribute the expertise to these young people to implement their projects.
Hearing the voices of young people today is more important than ever: they represent the future in which we must trust despite the times we live in.
Finally, in days Saturday 2 April and Sunday 3 April The children of Mato Grosso will collect reusable materials in the municipality of Castel Bolognese. / EventsMato Grosso, Santa MariaThursday, March 31, 2022 appointment at 20.30 in the former church of Santa Maria della Misericordia (Via Emilia 88), with the children of “Mato Grosso” who, in cooperation with the municipality of Castel Bolognese, organized an evening in which they will present an educational project for the Territory and a project …CB News Editorial Boardeditorial board
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