Oscars night surely brought big surprises and at the heart of Hurricane Will Smith, the world-famous American actor. Be famous with Willie Prince Bel AirThis year, he won his first gold statuette with a film that was well received by critics. It is an influential production orchestrated by director Rinaldo Marcos Green. At its core is a story based on true facts set in the world of sports, and includes names that have now gone down in history. In fact, perhaps the main message is that with persistence and courage you can achieve amazing results. That’s why the selection of BeyoncĂ©’s song “Be Alive” is particularly appropriate here.
movie plot
The 2022 Oscar for Best Film went to Tail – signs of the heartBut Will Smith won Best Actor. His drama skills are brilliant Winning Family – King Richard. This is based on the stories of extraordinary tennis players Venus and Serena Williams and their father and coach Richard Williams. In fact, it would be he who believed more than anything in the great potential of his daughters. In the early 1990s, he was a former athlete living in California with his wife and the rest of the family. Deciding to devote himself physically and spiritually to training his daughters, he took them to the tennis courts in their slum.
By trying to convince the upper echelons of tennis to give Venus and Serena a chance, and with their perseverance, these young girls will become world-class champions. Richard, however, is domineering and assertive, so much so that his obsession with his daughters’ profession will affect his relationship with his wife.
This movie with Will Smith won an Oscar and tells a true story to watch on the sofa right away
The first trailer was released on July 28, 2021 and began to pique the interest of the public. The film then appeared in theaters on January 13 this year. After that Will Smith went on to receive awards, including Academy Award for Best Actor Golden Globe for Best Actor in a Drama. Today, we still cannot watch the movie for free on the streaming platform. However, it is available on demand at Sky Primafila, for rent, and for sale on CHILI, Google Play, Apple iTunes, and more. It is possible that after receiving the awards, they will also become available to the general public. This Will Smith movie is definitely worth the wait.
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