The Women’s Premier League will determine the 29th winner this coming weekend. The season that gave Decum Roller Matera two titles, the first Italian Super Cup in September and the Coppa Italia in March, also remained unbeaten at the national level since June 12, 2022, when Valdagno triumphed 4-3 (two goals by Tameozzo, 1 by Santuchirico and Lorenzato). Since that day, there have been 4 Lucan wins since the start of the season, the last one in chronological order was about twenty days ago and the score was 5-1, but Tameozzo and Lorenzato, two Senators from a very young team, were justifiably absent. . The duelists in a season that considers them champions will have to contend with two semi-final matches with everything for the two opponents, who have nothing to lose after a very exciting season, with two different projects but qualifying for the Final Four. . A path taken by Symbol Modena too, last but with a gradual improvement month by month, with one of the smallest lists in Italy.
Valdagno against Rotellistica Scandianese will be the first semi-final in tensile structure. Three precedents in the season, all for the Blue and White: two 4-1 and one 9-3 at home, Eddie Randon’s girls’ roster. However, in the last match played, the Emilians managed, as best they could, to contain the faster rivals, who had gained experience in recent months that the Scandinavians now face. On the one hand the icon Elena Tamyuzu, Golden Cue with 27 seasonal goals of which 18 were scored in the tournament and on the other hand Anna Berti, 17 in a few days, already captain of the U17 women’s team and with her first. She appeared in the blue, authoring 6 goals but also valuable assists for her teammates, especially for Maria Pinto, 10 goals on the season. Scandianese returned from the U-17 World Cup where they qualified as runners-up in Zone 3: the Barbieri girls finished ninth, defeating Eboli in the final.
Another semi-final would see owner Decom Roller Matera compete against Versilia Hockey Forte, in their second year in Serie A and with a new project in progress that got them into the top four. Luana Alvarez’s 11 goals this season allowed us to win both matches against Modena. The Versilia project will also continue in the coming years, trying to climb the world rankings and develop athletes, in their first experiences in the field of graduation. On the other hand, Decom Roller Matera aims to continue to remain undefeated and to have a “perfect season”, trying to score the first “triple” in the history of Italian women. Statistically, he scored 66 goals (38 for Valdagno) and maintained his leadership in defense (16 goals against 18 for Vicenza). Pamela Lapola, in addition to becoming the team’s coach during 2023, was the top scorer of the season with 27 goals, 15 goals in the league, surpassed by Tarida and Tacardi at 16 years old. A now unified team saw the arrival of the Catalan superstar. Tarrida, another important step to fight for the title in every competition. Four precedents among the semi-finalists, all in favor of the Lucanians. 9-0 and 9-5 in the Italian Cup, 7-2 and 11-2 in the Championship.
All races will be broadcast live in HD on the channel Hockey track on youtube.
All results up
Women’s Series A Championship – Final Four
Saturday 10th June 2023 – 4.00pm – Matera Tension Structure
VALDAGNO HOCKEY – Scandinavian wheel racing
Referees: Giovanni Andresani from Matera and Mauro Giangregorio from Giovinazzo (BA)
Live broadcast on YouTube – Commentary by Gabriel Bellizaro and Jorge Bastias
Saturday 10th June 2023 – 7:00pm – Tensile Structure of Matera
DECOM ROLLER MATERA – Powerful hockey game
Referees: Joseph Silicia from Giovinazzo (BA) and Francesco Stallone from Giovinazzo (BA)
Live broadcast on YouTube – Commentary by Gabriel Bellizaro and Jorge Bastias
Sunday 11th June 2023 – 6.00pm – Tensile Structure of Matera
Semi-Final Winner #1 – Semi-Final Winner #2
the reviewer
Live broadcast on YouTube
Pamela Lapola (Decom Roller Matera) and Elena Tamiozzo (HC Valdagno)
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