His name is Adi and his partner is called Antonella, they belong to the stork family and they are the protagonists of a very sweet story immortalized in a video clip

It has been many years now since a pair of storks called Addi and Antonella were made every year Live on the chimney of a building in Germany, in the city of Heinekenrode. Every year, two storks lay and incubate their eggs, and as told by everyone who is interested in observing these two extraordinary birds, each year their chicks take flight.
In particular there Silk Phaser who decided to install one camera Aim straight at Antonella and Addie’s nest. This camera immortalized, in addition to the birth of several chicks and their escape to freedom, which is also an extreme moment. Tenderness and tenderness between wife and husband. A nice gesture from Adi towards Antonella that shows, if anything is needed, how similar animals are to us even if we wish they weren’t.
Immortalize the stork and the gift to its mate in a video clip
Surely this is a behavior that we do not see every day in stork families and that is why the video recorded by Silke Feser is also being shared through TikTok not only Show kindness But also prove A Behavior not yet documented. As Visser recounted to his colleagues at The Dodo, the scene immortalized in the video is unusual.

Visser confirmed how Adi used to bring Antonella i Material different species from which they can always create the best nest for their little ones, but in fact it was the first time he saw a stork bringing something cover up Thus protecting the mate that hatched from the cold. For those who want to follow the daily lives of Antonella and Addi, the camera that follows this pair of storks is streaming in real time 24/7. You can find the video at this link.
gestures of affection
@employee Storch Addi holt seiner Frau etwas zum Zudecken Störche live gucken auf: https://www.nette-stoerche.de/livestream.php#animalvideos #the animals # the birds #retweet # Storch ♬ I love you so – Walters
One should never highlight the behavior of another animal what our own might be feelings. And in fact, what Addie brought to Antonella in the nest, as seen in the video, could be something that has a very different meaning to the storks than the blanket imagined by anyone watching the scene. But sometimes that’s right and good imagine Even animals are capable of possessing this kind of shrewdness towards another specimen of their own kind, especially if such projection of feelings helps respect that animal.