the January 7 2022 On Prime Video out tender barAmazon Studios movie directed by George Clooney with Ben Affleck In the role of the co-hero, because the role of the protagonist has as translators, the very young Italian-American debutante Daniel Ranieri and twenty-five-year-old Ty Sheridan, whom we have already seen in One ready player.
The film is based on the book of the same name (in Italian, published under the title bar high hopes) Written by John Joseph in 2005 (aka JR or JR, it depends) Moringer, found in tender bar He told part of his childhood and youth and the characters he met at the bar run by his uncle Charlie (Ben Affleck, actually).
for us tender bar I loved it, but before we explain why in this review we briefly summarize the plot of the film.
What is a tender bar
At the beginning of the film, JR is a child who moves in with his mother in 1973 (Lily Rabe, seen in backing down) at his maternal grandfather’s house (Christopher Lloyd, For Us Forever Doc of Back to the future) in Manhasset, Long Island, New York: A forced move, adult narrator JR explains, because the mother can no longer pay the rent to have to raise the child alone, while the boy’s father is a radio speaker who has long since abandoned his family.
Uncle Charlie also lives in the crowded house of his grandfather, who runs the Dickens Tavern and has a unique passion for literature, which ends up injuring young JR. Thus, the boy grows up and dreams of becoming a writer, in addition to wanting to fulfill his mother’s dream of seeing him graduate from Yale University.
At Uncle JR’s pub, he learns what you don’t read in textbooks, thanks to Dickens’ foolish patrons as well as the precious teachings of Charlie. At this point, we can also stop at story synthesis, but we advise you to take a look at Trailer for a movie From tender bar (The video is in English).
Why don’t you miss The Tender Bar
As we wrote in the title of this review, tender bar It is an excellent example of what the once great American cinema was like. By this sentence we mean that Clooney’s film possesses all those characteristics recognizable in the great American films of the past, those that have survived in the global collective imagination.
A top-notch cast also and above all in the secondary roles, an intimate yet cosmopolitan storyline, “rough” settings and characters that really feel from the past, with their alcoholism, too many cigarettes and their damned true stories.
Sure, the life lessons you get in a ’70s tape aren’t quite appropriate for our current society, but Moringer and Clooney don’t want to teach viewers anything: their job is to honestly describe that atmosphere and characters. (Our time, and they do so with truly remarkable sincerity and depth.
We’ve been betting on it for a while face.. accomplish Might be the first Amazon original to win the all-important Oscar: If it doesn’t, we double our bet by betting on tender barAppropriately released in some US movie theaters only to compete for major film industry awards.
Rating: 9
“Lifelong beer expert. General travel enthusiast. Social media buff. Zombie maven. Communicator.”