vanishement Piero Angelathe backbone of the history of Italian television and scientific publishing in our country, and this is understandable It elicited an infinite number of reactionsFrom the memory of personalities from the world of politics (starting with the President of the Republic Sergio Mattarella) and culture (including the Nobel Prize in Physics Giorgio Baresi), info (Manager TG La7, Enrico Mentanacalled a national day of mourning) to console ordinary people, who respect him Professional righteousness and the ability to communicate very complex concepts in a simple way.
Among the many affected by his death Obviously appear Also many people from Asti. of between it Marco Parodipromoter Online petition on me www.change.org (a well-known web platform that aims, in fact, to reveal the most disparate proposals) you request Establishing a national scientific publishing day in honor of Piero Angela.
determined by the author of the proposal “A national pride, the cornerstone of Italian television’s scientific publishing, is an example to many who have embarked on a scientific career or who have just learned that being curious is beautiful, true and fun.”
Today – read the text of the petition, To view in full a this is the address – He wants to be “A day when we give thanks to all those who, young or old, show us all our world, our present and our future.” A day when “the science of everyday life is illustrated in schools and squares, far from classical lessons but in the manner of the late Piero Angela, with a smile and a joke, as many try to follow his example.”
Sign the petition – which, although it does not involve any direct consequence, can help determine the “common desire” of the political class – Just call the web address.