Borderlands, the film directed by Eli Roth and based on the popular video game series, will arrive in Italian cinemas in August 2024. The heroine of the film as Lilith is Cate Blanchett. We see her in action in the first official Italian trailer for the film.
It will come out In Italian cinemas in August 2024 Distributed by Eagle Pictures Border areasThe film is directed by Eli Roth And based on the name itself video game series, Among the best sellers of all time. In the role of the protagonist Lilith we find Cate Blanchettaround her First class staff Which includes, among others, Kevin Hart, Jack Black, Edgar Ramirez, Ariana Greenblatt, Florian Muntenau, Gina Gershon, and Jamie Lee Curtis.
We see them all in action in the film's first official Italian trailer:
Borderlands: Official plot and Italian poster for the film
Lilith (Blanchett), a notorious bounty hunter with a mysterious past, is forced to reluctantly return to Pandora, her most chaotic home planet in the galaxy. His mission is to find the missing daughter of Atlas (Ramirez), the most powerful son of a bitch in the universe. Lilith will form an alliance with an unlikely team of outcasts: Roland (Hart), a skilled mercenary, Tiny Tina (Greenblatt), an explosives-loving teenager and her muscular protector Craig (Monteanu), and Tanis (Curtis), a mad scientist. The one who has seen everything, and Claptrap (Black), a talkative and all-knowing robot. Together, these wacky heroes will have to defeat alien species and dangerous bandits and discover one of Pandora's most incredible secrets. The fate of the universe may be in their hands, but in the end they will fight for something greater: their friendship.