Inspired by incredibly true events in Kentucky in 1985, this film from Elizabeth Banks that sees an extravagant group of cops, criminals, tourists, and teens deal with a bear… under the influence will hit theaters April 20.
There was also cockinbearat the Oscars, which witnessed the victory Everything everywhere at once. But with us cockinbear will arrive In theaters April 20 distributed by Universal Picturesand what we show you below is a file The first official Italian trailer From the movie he directed Elizabeth Banks.
If you don’t know what we’re talking about, be prepared cockinbearAs the title suggests, it tells of a giant bear on a bloody, murderous rampage after accidentally finding a shipment of cocaine crash-landing in its woods and totally stuck to it. And if you don’t know what we’re talking about, wait a little longer, because Cocainorso is inspired by ridiculous but true events that took place in 1985 in the US state of Kentucky.
film Elizabeth Bankswho sees the Ansar Keri Russell, O’Shea Jackson, Jr., Christian Convery Jennings, Alden Ehrenreich, Jesse Tyler Ferguson, Brooklyn Prince, Isiah Whitlock Jr., Christopher Hivjo, Hannah Hoekstra and Aaron Holiday, with Emmy winner Margo Martindale and Emmy winner Ray Liottato which Cocainorso is dedicated, is a dark comedy in it A large group of cops, criminals, tourists and teens find themselves in the Georgia jungle, where a massive 230-kilogram predator has swallowed a massive amount of cocaine and is prowling for more drugs…and blood.
Here is the official Italian trailer for Cocainorso: