The concert cycle of the 23rd season of the classic review is all about perceiving time “On Collaboration on the Love of Music”organized by Space Theater 89 And from Italy cup In cooperation with Musical eveningsAt first Sunday October 9 In the auditorium of Milan at Via Fratelli Zoia 89. About the perception of time and moments that vanish into the next and that escape away, fueling the listener’s nostalgia or nurturing hope for their possible but uncertain appearance, in the waiting game from time to time satisfied or disappointed. Immersed in this dimension, we most of the time have fickle and zigzag perceptions along the border crossing between subjectivity and objectivity. But music has been able to equip itself with potent counteracts against the transgressions of the ephemeral, creating sound structures with clear points of reference and articulating paths that transform the passage of time from a potential opponent into a reliable measure of formal symmetries and rhythmic impulses, in the dialectic that with every listening, above all and in an unimportant manner Repeated with each live listening, it creates new, lively and stimulating combinations betweenspirit of ingenuity instantaneous emotion andgeométrie spirit Large forms or, in more modern terms, between the “play”, “record” and “return” keys in our minds.
not by chance, “play, record, return” It is the title chosen for this first series of parties, which will be followed by another one (always with five dates) in the early months of next year. explain Luca ChipattiCoordinator and Technical Director of the New Classic Season Space Theater 89: «These reflections and others, in time in music and in music through time, we will try to provoke the five concerts scheduled until December 4. And maybe, who knows, thinking about the non-linear paths of musical time will help us better understand the broader perspective of our relationship to historical development: we are in 2022, but at the heart of current events we find wars and outbreaks, economic and other crises. bleak perspectives between reality and dystopia that remind too much of events that actually happened tragically exactly a century ago, in 1922. One thinks that if history is the teacher of life, we are really bad students and this, most likely, courses and references and eternal returns and highs and lows and ascents The new, always vacillating between tragedy and farce, is the only possibility of evolution and bouncing back of the increasingly twisted wood of our species. But fortunately there is music, “a wonderful machine to suppress time” or at least to make the most unpleasant aspect possible, and turn it into beauty.”
For the first concert of the new season titled ‘Emotions of nostalgia’And the Sunday October 9 At the Spazio Teatro 89 (5 pm, admission 7-10 euros) will lead there Cellist Margarita Succio And the Ukrainian pianist Yevnia Lyshor In a program that oscillates between poignant lyricism and fiery virtuosity: the two interpreters will, in fact, perform the sonata in A major by César Franck and the Sonata op. 19 for cello and piano by Sergei Rachmaninoff.
Giving everything, absolutely everything in every sentence, open the heart and exposed nerves, without sparing. But at the same time think big, and if every sentence is one too “little jar”Then there will be another, also short and intense, then another and another, a thousand and then a hundred and then a thousand more, like the kisses of Catullus in Lesbia, so that in the end, moment after moment, the whole path will be of gigantic and gigantic proportions. Here, it seems to us, in a nutshell, the wonderful and irresistible contrast of the Rachmaninoff sonata for cello and piano: unforgettable moments, which, though they do not want them, cannot stop and allow themselves to contemplate as the whirlwind drags them forward unceasingly. Machine dexterity and a fertile inexhaustible creative imagination.
Frank’s sonata is also of long duration, only slightly shorter than that of Rachmaninov. But the formal concept, based on elaboration and the periodic return of recurring motifs, is more unitary and is constructed in such a way that the comprehension of sound material acquires full awareness only in retrospect, in listening. “À rebors”backwards, which perhaps sacrifice part of the feelings for what may still lie ahead, but at the same time fills us with nostalgia for the beauty of what has already been experienced.
Spazio Teatro 89 and a Lombardy Cup
“Co-op for the Love of Music – Fior Fiore Coop Concerts”, Season 23
(in collaboration with Serate Musicali).
“Play, Record and Rewind – Time spent on music and music in time”
From Sunday 9 October to Sunday 4 December 2022
Sunday 9 October 2022
nostalgic feelings
Frank Warchmaninoff, between poignant lyricism and fiery virtuosity.
Margherita Succio (cello) and Evinia Lishur (piano).
a program:
César Frank: Sonata in A major (1886);
mild cheerful allegreto; Allegretto’s fantasy novel moved a little.
Sergei Rachmaninov: Sonata op. 19 for cello and piano (1901)
linto – mild allegro; Andante humorous humor. Allegro moved.
Sunday 23 October 2022
Remembrance voice
Music between memory and transformation.
Carlo Pocadoro (piano).
a program:
Thomas Addis: a souvenir;
Philip Glass: Five Metamorphoses;
Carlo Pocadoro: a ruthless beauty;
Arvo Pärt: Variationen zur Gesundung von Arinuschka;
Ludovico Einaudi: Underwater.
Sunday 13 November 2022
Dreams, visions and illusions
The strange, the strange, the strange.
Bercarlo Sacco (violin), Luca Chippatti (piano), Lucia Marinsalta (narrator).
a program:
Camille Saint-Saint: Triptik, reference 136 (Premise; Vision Congolese; Joyuse);
Claude Debussy: L’isle joyeuse;
Robert Schumann: Sonata No. 1 ref. 105;
Carlo Galante: Chiari di Lupo, a portable compendium of lycanthropy, for voice recitation and piano playing.
Sunday 20 November 2022
Where are you beautiful world
Words and music between heaven and earth.
Duo Vansìsiem Lieder
Paola Camponovo (soprano), Alfredo Plessano (piano).
a program:
Franz Schubert: Die Goetter Griechenlands;
Gian Francesco Malibero: Celestial Realms;
Eldebrando Pizzetti: He left my thoughts partly where they were;
Orazio Sciortino: Casarsa – Four Lieder short for voice and piano;
Francis Poulenc: Fiançailles pour rire.
Sunday 4 December 2022
I can’t find peace
Troubled music for hard times.
Zara Dimitrova (soprano), Cole Tomingas (mezzo-soprano), Milan’s New Chippatti Ensemble, Luca Chippetti (piano).
a program:
Luigi Boccerini: The Quintet Reference. 57 n. 6, Madrid retreat;
Modest Musorgsky: Songs and Dances of Death;
Franz Liszt: The Peace I Cannot Find;
Antonio Vivaldi: Nothing in the world of the world.
“Infuriatingly humble alcohol fanatic. Unapologetic beer practitioner. Analyst.”